GMIM 28 March 2011

GMIM 28 March 2011

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Neroli Hollis writes...

The bell rings and I remember.

Recently church bells rang out in memory of those who have died in the Christchurch Earthquake. A simple but profound gesture highlighting what has happened and reminding us to remember. In the busyness of traffic and people and everydayness the different sound rings out to remind us……REMEMBER.

The bell rings and I remember.

Eight years ago I spent 10 days at a place in the north of England where the pattern of the day was framed by the sound of the ringing of the bell – the call to Morning, Midday and Evening Prayer. Upon hearing the bell we assembled in the little wooden chapel and prayed. The gatherings were a time to remember, to remind and to respond. While at times they were annoying (interrupting “real” activities) once commenced there was something refreshing about having stopped in order to continue.

The bell rings and I respond.

At first I lapped it all up at that space in England. It was new and I was interested by it. Over the days however I became increasingly annoyed at the “interruption” of time by the ringing of the bell and the need to go to the Chapel – it seemed the day was continually punctuated by the bell with little space in between to get into anything. As my days at that place lengthened I began to resist the struggle and to learn to go with it – to nestle into it’s rthymn and to let it teach me. I learnt to let the bell become a welcome visitor rather than an annoying interrupter. The bell rings and I RESPOND.

The bell rings and I reach out.

In the busyness of life at Carey it is very easy to get submerged under the demands of assignments, readings, lectures and other demands. Here on Wednesdays we are hearing the ringing of the bell as a call to gather for Lenten Prayers. These times call me to reach out – to think outside of my needs and wants and to be reminded of the needs and dreams of others. The bell rings and I remember that I am part of the community of Carey………….. Auckland…………. New Zealand……….. the world and the Church. Remembering and responding to the invitation of the bell I make an effort to stop and move in response. In so doing I REACH OUT.

To remember………to respond… reach out.

May the noises that surround us never stop us hearing the gentle ringing in our spirit that beckons us to the God who remembers – responds and reaches out.

28 March 2011 Semester 1


Community Worship 11:15am-12pm

Facilitated by Naomi Compton and Deborah Henderson

The Power of the Gospel

After Dinner Mints @ lunch

Chris Berry: has 14 years professional experience working in a range of management roles at the Universities of Auckland and London. She is currently the Deputy Director, International Office at the University of Auckland. In addition, Chris is currently studying towards a Graduate Diploma of Theology on a part time basis. .


Lenten Prayers


Praying for the college, community, country and people.

All welcome to join in.



Saturday 2 April

Manukau City Baptist @ 4pm

Speaker: Nigel Pollock

Come celebrate with those who have completed their qualifications.

Easter Camps!

21 - 25 April

Mystery Creek

Missions Week

23 – 27 May


We need your help please – this Saturday.

Food servers (6-10)

Projectionist (1)

Car park attendants (2)

If you are willing and able to assist, please see Shireen urgently this week.

Saturday 27 March from 3:30pm-6:30pm

(ceremony starts at 4pm)


Carey has a defined process for handling any concerns or issues raised by students in relation to their classes, assignments, and lecturers. A full complaints procedure outline is available on the Carey Student notice board. We encourage students to resolve concerns or issues directly with their lecturer wherever possible, however the following process is available to students to assist if required:

1. Initial contact should be directed to the Student Rep, Academic (Nigel Irwin). He will meet with you and the lecturer concerned in an advocacy capacity if need be.

2. Should the concern or issue remain unresolved, the next contact is to the Dean of Studies (Peter Hart).

3. Should the concern or issue still remain unresolved, return to the Student Rep, Academic (Nigel Irwin) for referral to the Academic Committee.

If you have any questions regarding this process, please come and talk to me (Nigel) or email me at


1) Please note: Due to the Graduation ceremony, the library will be closed at 1.30pm on Saturday 2 April 2011.

2) Students can still use the library resources if you don’t have your Carey ID card.

APPLIED is Here!

Our first Alumni Magazine is hot off the press! You’ll have received a copy in your pigeon holes (if you have one). There are also copies at Reception and the library!

Album Review

Check out Dale Campbell’s album review in the latest version of the Baptist. It received a five star mention!