Good Morning it's Monday - 11 May 2009

Good Morning it's Monday - 11 May 2009

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Jonathan Robinson writes:

When Jesus the Christ returns as Lord and King to redeem and renew creation all human wisdom and invention will also be taken up and integrated into the life of eternity., inventors, engineers, artists, gardeners, farmers, and all the rest will somehow find their vocations transformed and incorporated into the Kingdom come, where God is all and in all.not all human work is capable of being translated into the new age: arms manufacturers, military, police, and politicians, among others, will be rendered unnecessary by the coming of the King. This is why all preachers and theologians need a hobby.time will come when people do not need to be taught about God, because they will know God.will not need to read about God, because they will see God.There will be no need to tell people what God is like, because they will be like him.a world like that there will be no need for pastors, Bible teachers, or authors of books about God.faithfully completed their essential work they will find themselves suddenly good news indeed!(And not just for those who find listening to sermons hard work!!)

I first heard the call of God to preach and pastor when I was halfway through a music degree at Lancaster University in the UK.came as a surprise.also came as a frustration; I had musical plans, dreams, and ambition, did I have to stop all that to go and do something else now?, the more I explored that call, the more I realised how great the urgency was.neglect and misunderstanding of God’s word is pandemic throughout God’s people, and, like so many things in life, if you’re not part of the solution you are part of the problem.soon experienced the joy and fulfilment that come from faithfully ministering God’s word to people.I am ten years later and the call and joy are still there – I am enthusiastically studying and applying God’s word and trying to encourage others to do so through my work at Carey and involvement with church.the frustration is still there also.know that I am half the musician I could be, if only I could find more time to practise.know that I have had so many great ideas and flashes of musical inspiration that have had to be ignored because of other book is full of half finished music week are great fun, and a good opportunity to dust off the guitar, but they are also a reminder of unfulfilled ambitions and dormant dreams.(Don’t get me wrong, I am not claiming that I would have been ‘a great success’ as a musician or anything – I mean, who knows?I am just talking about creative fulfilment.)

However, there are no regrets, only the expectation that eternal life is going to be spent glorifying God – with all God’s people – in the renewed creation.And so I keep up my frustrated musicianship where I can, in anticipation of the day when Bible teachers become surplus to requirements and I can finally get on with making the music that God has put in my heart.Amen, come Lord Jesus!


Community Worship 11:15am-12pm

Music in Worship led by George Wieland

After Dinner Mints @ lunch

Lunchtime Cabaret Showcase

Come check out your fellow students as they showcase their talents!


Carey Prayer in the Chapel


Praying for the college, community, country and people. All welcome!


11-14 May

NZ Music Month in May has become a Kiwi cultural fixture. This year it's coming to Carey! Are you a muso, songwriter, rapper, singer, composer? We need you!

Here's how you can participate in Carey Music Week:

Tuesday (11.15am-12.00pm): Music in Worship

Tuesday (12.00-1:00pm) and Wednesday (1.00-1.45pm):

Lunchtime Cabaret Showcase

Carey musical talent - 5 min (or less) slot with minimum equipment (open mic style). Must be able to set up in seconds and willing to perform over eating and chatting noise! Open to all sorts of music (doesn't have to be "worship" or for a "Christian" market, but it can be). On your own or form a group! Acapella, instrumental, vocals...go for it! Sign up for Tuesday or Wednesday slots in the dining room.

Carey Music online

Go to careyonline and find where you can upload video or audio clips of your music....under the news section (‘Carey Music week’).


Mondays and Wednesdays;

10.45am-11.15am $2 a cup




Please do encourage who may be contemplating study either in the second semester or in 2010, to come to this day. Contact Neroli to register ph 0800 773 776 or


Please note the following clarifications about course listings for Semester two.

* MB6/736 Revelation is available as an on-site and distance paper.

* MM6/786 Christian Social Work is being taught as a block course in Christchurch from the 21st-25th September as a level 6 and 7 course

* MM662 Forming Faith Communities is no longer being offered.

* MM681 Cross Cultural Studies block course in July and August is no longer being offered.

NB: Russell Thorp is away from Carey until Monday 18 May. If you have specific course enquiries please connect with Neroli Hollis.

Please also remember that if for some reason you are not planning on submitting an assignment, please communicate this to the Registrar rather than just not submit.



“Open Theism and Classical Theism”

Three times a semester during chapel staff engage in a theological dialogue. The upcoming dialogue concerns a fast growing theology that asks questions like: Does God change his mind? and ‘Does he ever change it in response to our prayers and actions? It asks if God knows the future, if he changes, and if he is more like us than we care to admit? Mick Duncan will speak to the openness theology and put forth a case for the merits of that way of thinking while Myk Habets will represent classical theism (or orthodoxy). A key part of these dialogues is the questions put forward from students so do feel free to come prepared to ask some questions.


Bruce Alchin from MMM (Mobile Mission Maintenance) will be on site this week. If you are interested in finding out more about this organisation and their work or how you might be involved, please do connect with Bruce over lunches or in the Intercultural Studies room.


Simply a time to relax and chat over brunch

Saturday 16 May; 9:15am;

Cost: your own

Kings Plant Barn Café (not Palmers!); 236 Orakei Rd, Remuera

Please let Rachel know by the 13th May if you plan on joining us!


On Thursday 14 and Friday 15 May a conference on the ‘Trinity’ is being held in the Chapel and Dining Room. This will mean no access to either room for those two days.

The rec. room will have morning/afternoon tea and supper facilities set up with the hot water urn on the wall on.

Access to the kitchen will need to be minimal and through the back of the rec. room NOT through the dining room as sessions are being held there.

Thanks for your cooperation and apologies for this inconvenience.


BappTheol Student Sam Hennessy works with Roskill Primal and has arranged for Tuhoe Isaacs, former gang leader and author of 'True Red' to speak at his church about the prominent issue of youth gangs.would like to support Sam and his team as they plan for this event in July.during morning tea on Monday the 18th and Wednesday the 20th we will be having the coffee machine going as normal but Sam will be making hot beverages for $4 and all of the proceeds will go to his fundraising efforts.Coffee Cards will not be accepted on these days as we want to encourage this community outreach.”


“There are some obvious benefits (like the recent Free Coffee Cards) to being part of the Student Association that you won't receive until you have paid your Student Association fee!We would love for more students to join so that we can continue doing things to 'enhance student life.'Please check with Neroli if you would like to pay this or want to check whether your fees have been processed.”