CareyWeekly Newsletter 2023 S2 Week 17

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2023 S2 Week 17

Student Communication -


It’s done!

Hey! You did it! Semester two 2023 is done and dusted. Yay! …assuming you’ve got your final assessments in already. If you haven’t, there’s still a bit of time.

But, you’ve been stretched and grown, been tried and persevered. You’re at the end. So, celebrate, relax, and reflect on how this semester has taught you more about who God is and who you are.

When the Clock Strikes Midnight...

...the semester will be over. Your assessments will be submitted, and you can fully relax. Unless you have an approved extension from Neroli. Then your rest is forthcoming.

You've got until 11.59pm tonight to get your assignments submitted.

As a reminder, semester one final assessments will be released on CareyOnline on Friday, 24 November. Your Student Portal gives you access to your final course grades that same day, provided you have completed your assignments. If you require an actual transcript please also connect with Neroli.

What will you choose for 2024?

If you’re a returning student, the Student Portal is open for you to select your courses. Remember to choose your courses by 6 December 2023. Reach out to Neroli if you have any questions.

Final grades

You'll no doubt be interested in those final grades for your semester two papers. Final grades will be available after Friday, 24 November through the Student Portal.

If you require a transcript, talk to

New library hours

With the end of the semester, the libary hours are changing too. New library hours:

Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday CLOSED

Have an amazing summer and holiday season! We will miss having you around campus and can’t wait for 2024—it’s going to be another amazing year! See you in 2024!

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