CareyWeekly Newsletter 2023 S2 Week 16

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2023 S2 Week 16

by Student Communication -
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Psalm 103:1-5

1Bless the Lord, my soul,
And all that is within me, bless His holy name.
2 Bless the Lord, my soul,
And do not forget any of His benefits;
3 Who pardons all your guilt,
Who heals all your diseases;
4 Who redeems your life from the pit,
Who crowns you with favor and compassion;
5 Who satisfies your years with good things,
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle.

It the end of the semester!

Next week is the final week of the second semester of 2023, which means it’s also the last week of the entire academic year. It’s gone quickly, and we trust this year has been enriching for you as you have persevered in your studies. Some of you got into study for the first time in years. Some of found your groove in continuing your programme. Some of you are finishing up this week—if that’s you, be sure to apply to graduate.

Wherever you are in your journey, we hope that this semester has been one in which you have felt God more than ever, learned more about who you are, and grown in community with your peers. Finish strong!

IMPORTANT End of Semester Message

The end of the semester is 10 November, and ALL assignments need to be in by midnight on that date. That’s next week folks—only seven days away! Late submissions will NOT be accepted, unless you have approval from Neroli.

If you need an extension, please talk to your teacher and Neroli, and complete an application for an extension.

What will you choose for 2024?

If you’re a returning student, the Student Portal will be open for you to select your courses for 2024 by Friday, 10 November (the last day of the semester).

Remember to choose your courses by 6 December 2023. Reach out to Neroli if you have any questions.

Get those Final Assessments Lined Up!

Have you looked at teacher feedback from previous assessments on CareyOnline?
Have you used the resources on the
10 Essentials?
Have you talked to the library team about how to find good resources?
Have you used the referencing guides?
Have you used a Peer Writing Assistant?
Have you talked with the Paihere Student Support team?

Our student support team are here to help you move that B to an A or that C to a B! Talk to us!

Library Update—Who Wants Chocolate?*

The library has chocolate. As you’re stopping by to study, grab a piece… or three.

Hours remain the same:

Monday to Thursday 8.30am-6.30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12.30pm

*Do NOT feed chocolate to dogs.

Whatever happened to missionary enthusiasm?

The 2023 Selwyn Lecture is being held Monday, 20 November from 6-7.20pm (finger foods and drinks from 5.15pm) and will be given by Professor Brian Stanley on the topic: “Whatever happened to missionary enthusiasm?: The transformation of Protestant globalism since the late nineteenth century.”

This lecture will not call for a return to now discredited models of foreign mission (as white-led enterprises), but instead will appeal for Christians from different contexts to explore together what a renewed theological focus on the universality of the Christian gospel might mean.

To register your interest, please email: with the subject line, “Selwyn Lecture.”

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