CareyWeekly Newsletter 2024 S1 Week 0

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2024 S1 Week 0

by Student Communication -
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A new start

The new academic year is officially underway, and we couldn't be more excited to get going! We hope you enter this first semester refreshed and renewed, keen to grow alongside your teachers and fellow students. From the entire team at Carey, nau mai, haere mai!

As always, chat to any of our staff if you need anything. We are here to help.

God's richest blessings on you and your studies this semester! We look forward to what God has in store for all of us.

Everything you need to know in one place

You’ll likely have come across our Current Students webpage by now, but we’ve put it together so you’d have all the answers you need in one place. It’s your place to start if you need to know something. Here are a few of the resources you may find handy there:

  • 10 Essentials - from how to use the library, to how to reference, these documents have all you need to succeed in your assessments.

  • Adademic Regulations and Calendar and Student Handbook - information on student regulations, harassment and complaint procedures, and much more can be found here.

  • Timetables - check these out to see when your classes are running next week. Also, don't forget to familiarise yourself with your course outlines on CareyOnline.

  • Student Support and Wellbeing - learn about our passionate team and resources available to you, like information on The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice.

  • Student Facebook Group - a page for current students of Carey to ask questions, share resources, and whatever else you need.

Karakia 2024, Mentored for Ministry

The theme for our community worship this year will be Mentored for Ministry. We will be working through the letters of Timothy and Titus—sometimes known as the “pastoral epistles.” We’ll be exploring how the apostle affirms, guides, and challenges younger colleagues into faithfulness and effectiveness in their respective ministry contexts: a troubled church (1 Timothy), a new mission environment (Titus), and in difficult times (2 Timothy).

Each Tuesday from 11am, on-site students will gather for karakia in the chapel, where we will be encouraged by the Scritptures together.

Karakia recordings for all our students

This year, instead of a synchronous Zoom option for distance students, we are filming karakia and will provide recordings online at a later date. We will update you as they are available.

Coffee, Cake, and Convo

As part of Carey community life, we are gathering in the wharekai on Mondays at 12.15pm (after class) for coffee, cake, and conversation. Bring your own lunch, and connect with staff and fellow students.

Tuesday Lunches

Speaking of lunch, Tuesdays are special at Carey because there is a FREE community lunch for the whole Carey whānau just after karakia at noon. Each week, a few members of the Carey staff will host your lunch for you. It’ll be fun!

If you are on-site, we encourage you to prioritise these community lunches to connect with one another.

Also, if you have any dietary preferences or food-related allergies, please fill out this brief form so we can accommodate.

Dietary Preferences Form

The Library and First Steps

The library is the place to go for pretty much anything you need while you’re at Carey. Whether you’re online or on-site, Mei Ling, Anna, and Siong can help you get your resources, answer questions, and be around for support as you study. Flick them an email (, give them a call (09 526 0347), or stop by whenever you need them. Library hours are below:

Monday to Thursday: 8.30am–6.30pm

Friday: 9am–5pm

Saturday: 10am–12.30pm (starting 2 March)

First Steps for new students

All new students should be enrolled in First Steps on CareyOnline. This is a course to familiarise yourself with life at Carey and give you vital academic skills for your study journey. This is a required course, so please make it a priority to complete.

Issues logging into OpenAthens

Get in touch with the library staff if you are having issues accessing the online resources via OpenAthens.

Engaging webinars through CCLL

The Carey Centre for Lifelong Learning (CCLL) provides ongoing learning and development for Christian leaders and churches. Check out these new webinars commencing in March:

Creating a thriving culture of all-age discipleship

Learn how to develop intergenerational community with international researcher and speaker Tammy Preston. Three webinars starting 7 March.

7 Keys for Emotional Wellbeing in Ministry

This series will help pastors and ministry leaders to utilise the power of their emotions so that they can sustain a long-term, satisfying, and effective ministry. Four webinars starting 28 March.

Even better, Carey students get a MASSIVE discount! Use the code, CAREYSTUDENT50%, to access any Lifelong Learning webinar for half price!

Learn more about CCLL
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