CareyWeekly Newsletter 2023 S2 Week 15

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2023 S2 Week 15

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Not the end of the road

It’s week 15, and lectures are wrapping up Monday. Assessments are nearing their due dates, and all you have worked for this term is coming to a close. But, even if your time studying at Carey is ending, it’s not the end of the road, is it? Your ministry and God’s calling on your life continue, and we hope that this semester has helped to form you, encourage you, and mold you. May these last few weeks bring even more transformation as you persevere and finish strong!

But, the end of the semester is (almost) here!

You've known it's been coming. Maybe you've longed for it, and maybe you're freaking out now that it's almost here. But, it is coming nonetheless, and we don't want you to be surprised when 11.59pm on Friday, 10, November comes. What happens just before midnight on the 10th? See below…

IMPORTANT End of Semester Message

The end of the semester is 10 November, and ALL assignments need to be in by midnight on that date. That’s a lot sooner than it may sound, so plan accordingly. Late submissions will NOT be accepted, unless you have approval from Neroli.

If you need an extension, please talk to your teacher and Neroli, and complete an application for an extension.

Re-enrolment for 2024

If you’re planning to come back next year, you will be able to re-enrol for 2024 through the Student Portal. We will update you and send out a link shortly.

Have you met with a Peer Writing Assistant yet?

Our Peer Writing Assistant, Moana, is here for you. With those critical assessments coming due, make the most of her expertise by booking a session today.

To book a 25-50-minute session,
contact the Library with the following details:

  • Your name and student ID number
  • Which assessment you are focusing on (course, assessment outline), and briefly identify what aspect of the assessment you would like help with.
  • Whether you want a 25-minute or 50-minute slot (in-person, via Zoom, or email)!

Make-up Monday

But not that kind of make-up.

Given Labour Day this past week, Monday lectures will wrap up in week 16, on 30 October. We affectionately call this day “Make-up Monday,” and it marks the end of lectures and community lunch. Don’t forget to go to class!

Library News

Pop in to the Library for some quiet study. Also, take a few minutes to tell our library team how great they are!

And, as if you needed more evidence that they are great, they have chocolate!

Monday to Thursday 8.30am-6.30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12.30pm

Last Community Lunch on Monday

The last community lunch of the semester takes place on Monday, 30 October. Come along, eat, and enjoy some good conversation. You won’t get another chance to offically do this until next year, so come say “see ya later” during this special time.

No Karakia till next year

Karakia is officially done until next year, and what a great year it was to “hear the word of the Lord!” We are looking forward to what God has to say to us through karakia in 2024.

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