We’ve Missed You!
Our lecture rooms have been missing you for the last three weeks, our COWs (Computers on wheels) have been quieter than usual without our regional students joining in classes on Zoom, and our CareyLocal cohorts must also be itching to get back to learning together. Next week, we will be back to our normal semester schedule, with all-things-Carey being abuzz once again with the usual sounds of joyous learning.
Lectures, community lunches, and weekly karakia are all back from Monday, 18 September. How exciting is that!?!
An shift to our newsletter
In the next couple weeks, we are going to be using a different platform (Mailchimp) to deliver our weekly newsletter to you. You’ll still get this content delivered straight to your email inbox, and we will continue posting newsletters to CareyOnline. However, you may notice a slight change. But don’t fret—nothing is amiss.
Student Focus Groups
As part of our ongoing desire to improve our programmes and services, we try to bring students together in annual focus groups. We are interested in how you are finding study here and what ideas you might have for how things could be even better. Focus groups are available for the following qualification cohort groups:
NZ Certificate and NZ Diploma Level 5
: (Thursday, 19 October from 11am-12pm)
Bachelor of Applied Theology
: (Thursday, 19 October from 1-2pm)
Graduate Diploma of Applied Theology Level 7
: (Friday, 20 October from 11.30am-12.30pm)
Postgraduate Diploma of Applied Theology and Master of Applied Theology
: (Thursday, 26 October from 1-2pm) If you are working on one of the above qualifications and would like to participate,
just complete this brief form and sign up
for the focus group for your programme.
Chinese Language Week
New Zealand Chinese Language Week is next week, and Carey is celebrating the occasion in style. There will be dumplings and Chinese tea for lunch on Monday, and we will be teaching basic greetings in Chinese throughout the week.
Come along, and practice how to say, 请给我一份饺子 (Qǐng gěi wǒ yī fèn jiǎozi), or “Please give me a serving of dumplings!”
Planning to Graduate in 2024?
If you have completed a qualification this year or plan to have done so by the end of the year, please
complete an Application to Graduate 2024
form on CareyOnline.
Student Support here for you!
Tanya and Eugene are hosting workshops with tips that will help you with your assessments, including referencing, 10 Essentials, formatting, using the library, and more. You won't want to miss them! Thank you to all who attended the workshops this week!
Intro to New Testament (Carey Local only via Zoom)
Thursday, 26 October at 7.30pm
Mission of God (Carey Local only via Zoom)
Thursday, 26 October at 8.30pm
(NOTE the date change for this workshop!)
Zoom link for all the CareyLocal workshops:
Upcoming Carey Events
Tuesday, 26 September from 9am-3pm is Open Day at Carey. If you are on campus, we encourage you to spread a little Carey kindness to anyone attending. Students who bring someone along will be eligible for movie tickets. But, what will you see?
Have a mate
register for Open Day, and you may be the lucky winner!
Also, Online Open Evening is Tuesday, 10 October from 7.30-8.45pm. You can tell your friends about our
Online Open Evening
too, ya know?
Library News
As you’re back to the normal semester routine, stop by the library or email the team. They’re stupendous and keen to help!
Monday to Thursday 8.30am-6.30pm Friday 9am-5pm Saturday 10am-12.30pm
Karakia on Tuesday, 19 September
Whether you come on-site or Zoom in, our weekly karakia provides a space to connect and hopefully hear from the Lord. This Tuesday, Monica Carey will be our guest speaker.
Join online
or come on campus to worship with the Carey whānau.
Community Lunches
Monday and Tuesday community lunches are back, and we start off celebrating Chinese Language Week with dumplings on Monday at 12.15pm! Tuesday lunch takes place from noon, right after karakia.
And speaking of things that are back, so are lunch prep/serving and clean-up duties. See below for where we need YOU! Hint: next week is an even week.
Carey’s Psalms Conference 2024
Join us from Wednesday, 17 to Friday, 19 July 2024 for a three-day conference where we will explore how the Psalms can inspire Christian worship and shape God’s people here in Aotearoa. It’s a bit far off, but this is a conference you WILL NOT want to miss, so set those dates off in your diaries.
The event will include academic lectures, communal worship, along with workshops for songwriters, pastors, and Christian leaders. It's going to be great!
Check out our website
for more information.
NZ Christian Leaders Congress—FREE for Carey Students!
New Zealand Christian Network is holding the New Zealand Christian Leaders Congress from 19-21 September in Tāmaki Makaurau. Staff, students, and others familiar to Carey will be speaking on various topics at the workshops, so be sure to
check out the full programme.
Carey students can register for free if you use the coupon code, careystudent
, when you sign up.
Register online today!