CareyWeekly Newsletter 2023 S2 Week 8

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2023 S2 Week 8

by Student Communication -
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How ya doing?

You are no doubt taking full advantage of the Study and Reading weeks and making great progress on your work for the semester. You've still got another week after this until we are back to class, so keep up the good mahi.

As always, our support staff will continue to be available to you if you need help with your assessments. Or, if you need just a little encouragement, they are utterly fantastic. So feel free to reach out to Tanya and Eugene in Te Whare Oranga, or Siong and Mei Ling in the library.

And don't forget about the
10 Essentials found on CareyOnline.

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori

Māori Language Week is an annual celebration held in the third week of September. This year it takes place from 11-18 September. Māori Language Week is part of a larger effort to revitalize the Māori language, an official language of our country. New Zealanders—and indeed, the global community—are encouraged to learn the language and experience the rich culture of the region. We'd love you to participate in the week ahead and karawhiua—give it a go!

On Tuesday, 12 September at noon, feel free to join us in the whare kai for a 45-minute Te Reo Māori learning opportunity with Eugene and Luke. 

Nau mai, haere mai!

Student Focus Groups

As part of our ongoing desire to improve our programmes and services, we try to bring students together in annual focus groups. We are interested in how you are finding study here and what ideas you might have for how things could be even better. Focus groups are available for the following qualification cohort groups:

  • NZ Certificate and NZ Diploma Level 5: (Thursday, 19 October from 11am-12pm)
  • Bachelor of Applied Theology: (Thursday, 19 October from 1-2pm)
  • Graduate Diploma of Applied Theology Level 7: (Friday, 20 October from 11.30am-12.30pm)
  • Postgraduate Diploma of Applied Theology and Master of Applied Theology: (Thursday, 26 October from 1-2pm)

If you are working on one of the above qualifications and would like to participate, just complete this brief form and sign up for the focus group for your programme.

Sign up for a Focus Group

Celebrate Our Researching Community

The Carey community regularly produces significant research on a wide range of topics relevant to the church in Aotearoa and across the world. Come celebrate that impact at the CGS Research Conference and Celebration of Scholarship events on 14 September.

Carey Graduate School students will present research at the CGS Research Conference from 9am-5pm. And we will celebrate faculty and students who have contributed to theological research through recently published books, edited works, journal articles, and other ongoing projects at the Celebration of Scholarship from 7-9pm. Both events take place at Carey's campus in Auckland.

Register for the
CGS Research Conference and the Celebration of Scholarship events separately, so we can cater accordingly.


If you are worried about getting your assessments done in time and would like to request an extension, please contact Neroli Hollis. You’ll also need to complete an Application for Extension form.

Student Support here for you!

Tanya and Eugene (our amazing student support Learning Advisers) have updated their work schedules as follows:

Eugene: Tuesday/Wednesday 9am-5pm
Tanya: Monday/Tuesday/Thursday 9am-5pm

They are also hosting workshops with tips that will help you with your assessments, including referencing, 10 Essentials, formatting, using the library, and more. You won't want to miss them!

Intro to New Testament (Carey Local only via Zoom)
Thursday, 14 September at 7.30pm
Thursday, 26 October at 7.30pm

Mission of God (Carey Local only via Zoom)
Tuesday, 12 September at 7.30pm
Tuesday, 24 October at 7.30pm

Zoom link for all the CareyLocal workshops:

Join CareyLocal Workshops via Zoom

Introduction to the Old Testament
NOTE: We have moved the support session for this course to Tuesday, 12 September from 6-7.30pm in LR1. Dinner will be provided, so
email Tanya Lameta on to confirm your place.

Upcoming Carey Events

Tuesday, 26 September from 9am-3pm is Open Day at Carey. If you are on campus, we encourage you to spread a little Carey kindness to anyone attending. Students who bring someone along will be eligible for movie tickets. 

Have a mate
register for Open Day, and you may be the lucky winner!

Also, Online Open Evening is Tuesday, 10 October from 7.30-8.45pm. You can tell your friends about our
Online Open Evening too, ya know?

Library News

Our amazing library staff are here for you, even over the Study and Reading weeks, when hours remain the same. Stop by, do some studying, and say hello to the team:

Monday to Thursday 8.30am-6.30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12.30pm

No Karakia or Community Lunches

There will be no karakia and no community lunches during the Study and Reading weeks. They will resume in week 10, which begins Monday, 18 September.

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