CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S1 Week 17

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S1 Week 17

by Student Communication -
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We've Nearly Made it!

I don't know about you, but I am ready to start my musings about life with something other than, "What a [insert period of time] this has been!" But, what a semester this has been! 

Coming out of a lengthy lockdown, navigating traffic lights, normalising mask mandates, getting shattered by rain (remember that time Carey flooded?!?), bundling up in the cold weather, we've all been through a wild half-year. Oh, and there's also been our studies, work, church and family dynamics, non-Covid-sicknesses, and so much more. Needless to say, we are different people now, or at least I am.

But (and this is a very important, "but"), we've nearly made it! And bravo for simply surviving what has been a trying time. I hope that you pat yourself on the back, take a nap, leap into the air at a beach, pour a glass of your favourite drink, and relax for the next couple weeks. 

Whatever you do to recharge, I pray you do it knowing you have truly earned it. Finish well, and rest hard. 


Semester Two Begins 25 July

After the mid-year break, semester two begins Monday, 25 July. There will be a pōwhiri for new students and staff beginning at 8.30am. We'd love to have you there to welcome new members of the Carey whānau.

Enrolment/Re-enrolment for Semester Two

Reminder to returning students: Please check with Neroli and confirm re-enrolment for semester two.

Overcoming Racial Faith

Don't forget about the upcoming Carey Conversation with Dr Willie Jennings.

Dr Jennings is a leading Baptist theologian and world-renowned scholar in a host of areas, including race, cultural identities, and creation and the church. He currently teaches at Yale University as Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Africana Studies, and Religious Studies, and has served as pastor at several churches in America. 

Carey is privileged to host Dr Jennings for a conversation on gospel and race, and we invite you to register now for this free event.

When: Thursday 14 July, 7.30-9pm
Where: Carey Baptist College: 473 Great South Road, Penrose or Online via Zoom

Final Grades

You'll no doubt be interested in those final grades for your semester one papers. Final grades will be available after Friday, July 15 through the Student Portal.

If you require a transcript, talk to Neroli.

Library Hours During the Break

The library is open Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm, and closed on Saturdays for the next three weeks. See you back on 25 July!