CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S2 Week 0 - Welcome to Semester 2!

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S2 Week 0 - Welcome to Semester 2!

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Welcome to Semester Two!

If you’re a returning student, I hope you’ve been able to enjoy a good break over the last few weeks. If you’re a new student, we’re thrilled to have you with us. I’m sure you’re excited, and maybe a little nervous. I suspect you’re wondering what study through Carey will be like.

I recently came across something called a “six-word story,” a short narrative told in six words. If I had to describe Carey in just six words, these are the words I’d choose:

  1. Gospel. Carey exists to equip Christian leaders for gospel renewal in churches and communities across New Zealand and around the world. Jesus is our focus, the Bible is our basis, the church is our people, and the gospel is our message.
  2. Formation. Faithful discipleship and fruitful ministry require the development of biblical convictions, practical skills, emotional health, and spiritual depth. Our training extends beyond intellectual knowledge. It emphasises formation of the whole person.
  3. Integration. We have a strongly integrative approach to research and teaching. You will learn to integrate the resources of the Christian faith with the realities of your context and the rhythms of Christian life and leadership today.
  4. Relationship. We believe the best learning happens in the context of relationship. We work hard at building strong connections among staff and students. Whakawhanaungatanga is important to us. If you’re on-site, make an effort to get to our free lunches on Monday and Tuesday. Whether you’re online or on-site, prioritise chapel on Tuesdays.
  5. Culture. We celebrate the bicultural heritage and the multicultural diversity of Aotearoa. With the gospel vision of a diverse people united in Christ, we aspire to be a learning community that honours te Tiriti--a community where all peoples and cultures can flourish. Bring your culture to your learning. We will all be enriched!
  6. Mission. At Carey we believe that the God who we worship is at work in the world by the Spirit to reconcile and renew all things in Christ. All our learning and growing is oriented towards fuller participation in that mission.

My prayer for you is that through your training you would grow in your love for Jesus and his gospel; that his Spirit would form you to become more like him; that you will learn to integrate your faith, context, and practice; that you will enjoy robust relationship with your fellow students; that you will experience a community where every culture is valued; and, finally, that you will be equipped to participate more fully in God’s glorious mission in this world. May that be so.

And may you keep looking to Jesus. The One who called you is faithful. He says, “I am with you always” (Matt 28:20), and “My grace is sufficient for you” (2 Cor 12.9). Every blessing.


Orientation Monday, 25 July

At the start of each semester, we welcome new students into the Carey whānau at orientation. 

New students are strongly encouraged to attend orientation on-site since it is such a special time to connect. A pōwhiri will take place from 8.15am, followed by time to get to know other students and staff, and also to share some kai.

Returning students are also invited to come along and welcome new students and staff.

Community Lunches

There may be nothing better in this world than free lunch with the Carey community. Come along on Monday and Tuesday at 12pm for amazing kai and whakawhanaungatanga.

IMPORTANT: If you have special dietary needs, please let us know so Julie can prepare accordingly. Even if you already let us know in the past, please complete the form again. 

Weekly Karakia, Tuesday 11.15am

Our weekly karakia is back from Tuesday in the chapel, and we are excited to continue our theme of te Rongopai, the Good News. You can also join us via Zoom.

Meeting ID: 924 5851 4246.

We can't wait to worship together next week!

Welcome the Rhodes Whānau to Aotearoa

You'll have likely heard by now that Michael, Rebecca, Isaiah, Amos, Nova, and Jubilee are finally on the ground in New Zealand! It's been a long journey to get here, for sure. They arrived safely early Monday morning and are settling into their new home.

We will formally welcome them all at the pōwhiri at orientation on Monday at 8.15am, so come along to bless them along with all our new students.

Admin Support Opportunities

The Student Handbook has key information about your enrolment, fees, courses, and other academic and pastoral support. Be sure to check it out.

If you need to make changes to your courses, complete an Application to Change Courses, or if you need further help, flick an email to Neroli. She knows everything.

Also, if you have questions about starting the semester, accessing CareyOnline, StudyLink, enrolment, or something else, feel free to pop into our Course Admin Support Zoom session to chat with Rob and Neroli about your questions.

When: Wednesday, 27 July from 1-1.30 pm
Meeting ID: 724 715 4484.

Course Admin Support Zoom Link

Library News

All new students are required to complete the First Steps course on CareyOnline. If you need help or have any questions, contact the wonderful Library staff.

Library hours:
Monday through Thursday 8.30am-6.30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12.30pm