CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S1 Week 16

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S1 Week 16

by Student Communication -
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Prayer for a Spacious Place

Yesterday, at our management retreat, John led us in a reflection on Psalm 118. Verse five stood out to me as particularly pertinent at this time: “When hard pressed, I cried out to the LORD; he brought me into a spacious place.” There’s no doubt that, despite our increased freedoms, we have been hard pressed again this semester. Many students and staff have juggled varying levels of illness and isolation in themselves or their families, some for much of the semester. And this is not to mention the wider social, economic, political, or cultural impacts of Covid, let alone other issues we are facing personally or corporately. It is a hard time; we are hard pressed.

Psalm 118 is the concluding psalm of the Hallel collection, which the Jews used at Passover. It alludes to the return from exile, and celebrates God’s deliverance as the basis for hope. The psalm gives a very succinct account of God’s deliverance: the psalmist was in a tight spot (the word for “distress” has the sense of restricted, narrow, or tight), they cried out to God, and God gave them space. The image is of someone feeling strangled, constricted, and in distress, and the LORD rescued them to a broad place; a place where they could breathe. Many of us are currently hard pressed, and we too are crying out to God. My prayer is that God would bring us into a spacious place; a broad place where we can breathe. Our circumstances may not change, but things look different from a spacious place.


End of Semester IMPORTANT Message

With the semester one coming to a close, please note the following:

  • Semester one ends Friday, 1 July.
  • All final assessments must be submitted to CareyOnline by 1 July.

Assessment extensions must be submitted and approved by the Academic Registrar prior to due dates.

Please complete an Application for Extension to Complete Assement and email it to Neroli on The end of semester and marking timeframes outlined below constrain what is possible around any approved extensions. It is critical that you talk to Neroli if you are unable to meet the 1 July assessment submission timeframe!

Semester one results are confirmed at the Markers Meeting on Thursday, 14 July. Results will be released on Careyonline on Friday, 15 July. Your Student Portal gives you access to your final course grades (if you have questions around accessing your student portal please connect with Neroli Hollis. If you require an actual transcript please also connect with Neroli Hollis.

Enrolment/Re-enrolment for Semester Two

Reminder to returning students: Please check with Neroli and complete re-enrolment for semester two.

Any changes to enrolment must be submitted prior to 29 June 2022.

Library Crème Puff Party!

Next week is the final week of the semester with extended library hours (see below), and crème puffs are on offer for anyone on-site. Come study, eat, and be motivated!

Monday-Thursday 8.30am-6.30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12.30pm

From Monday, 4 July, the library will be open Monday through Friday from 9am-5pm, but closed on Saturdays. 

Get those Final Assessments Lined Up!

Have you looked at teacher feedback from previous assessments on CareyOnline?
Have you used the resources on the 10 Essentials?
Have you talked to the library team about how to find good resources?
Have you used the referencing guides?
Have you used a Peer Writing Assistant?
Have you talked with the Paihere Student Support team?

Our student support team are here to help you move that B to an A or that C to a B! Talk to us!