CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S1 Week 15

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S1 Week 15

by Student Communication -
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You Belong to the Prince of Peace

"When these prison walls start to feel a lot like home, I might be barely living, but it’s all I’ve ever known."

That lyric has hit me where it hurts these last few weeks.

If you’ve spent more than five minutes with me, you’ll be well aware that I often crucialise my choices, making them feel way bigger and way more scary than they actually are. And just like a kid covers their eyes and thinks they’re invisible, my go to tactic is to freeze and hope everything sorts itself out. Spoiler: it never does. What a surprise. 

Indecision, though it’s an exhausting place to sit in, has become comfortable for me. My own "homely prison," if you will. If I don’t make a choice, things won’t change, and I’ll be safe. Not healthy (don’t worry, I’m okay, and it gets better). 

As I’ve been thinking about what to go into next year, the temptation to put my feet up and stay in my indecision prison has been real. But, as I’ve sat with the lyrics of No Room For An Anxious Heart, I’ve felt lovingly slapped in the face, and called to action. I’ve been challenged to put on my big boy pants, take a step out of my comfort zone, and start setting things up for 2023, even though it’s just a little bit terrifying. 

To be honest with you, I haven’t felt any less nervous since making some calls. But the last line of this song has been getting me through, and it’s what I’ll round off my ramblings with. 

“When the fear sets in and I don’t know what to do, You’re the Prince of Peace, and my heart belongs to You.”

Let me remind you this week that you belong to the Prince of Peace, and nothing can separate you from His love.

Bless you heaps.


End of Semester IMPORTANT Message

With the semester one coming to a close, please note the following:

  • Semester one ends Friday, 1 July.
  • All final assessments must be submitted to CareyOnline by 1 July.

Assessment extensions must be submitted and approved by the Academic Registrar prior to due dates.

Please complete an Application for Extension to Complete Assement and email it to Neroli on The end of semester and marking timeframes outlined below constrain what is possible around any approved extensions. It is critical that you talk to Neroli if you are unable to meet the 1 July assessment submission timeframe!

Semester one results are confirmed at the Markers Meeting on Thursday, 14 July. Results will be released on Careyonline on Friday, 15 July. Your Student Portal gives you access to your final course grades (if you have questions around accessing your student portal please connect with Neroli Hollis. If you require an actual transcript please also connect with Neroli Hollis.

Monday Classes and Final Community Lunch

Next week, only Monday lectures are taking place, as a catch-up for the Queen's Birthday holiday. That means Introduction to the New Testament and Learning to Live will meet as scheduled, on-site. All other courses are finished with lectures for the semester.

Also, Julie is preparing lunch for Monday, which will be the last community lunch of the semester.

Cupcakes in the Library!

The Library continues extended hours for the next two weeks of the semester:

Monday-Thursday 8.30am-6.30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12.30pm

And... there will be cupcakes! Distance students, contact the Library for your gluten, sugar, and guilt-free "cupcakes" (they aren't actually cupcakes, but you'll still love them). 

Enrolment/Re-enrolment for Semester Two

Reminder to returning students: Please check with Neroli and complete re-enrolment for semester two.

Any changes to enrolment must be submitted prior to 29 June 2022.

Get those Final Assessments Lined Up!

Have you looked at teacher feedback from previous assessments on CareyOnline?
Have you used the resources on the 10 Essentials?
Have you talked to the library team about how to find good resources?
Have you used the referencing guides?
Have you used a Peer Writing Assistant?
Have you talked with the Paihere Student Support team?

Our student support team are here to help you move that B to an A or that C to a B! Talk to us!

We also want to thank all of you who completed course evaluations. The teaching team will be providing feedback in classes over the next couple weeks, and summaries will also be posted to CareyOnline.

No Karakia Until Next Semester

There will be no weekly karakia until the first week of semester two on 26 July.