S2 Week 12 @ Carey

S2 Week 12 @ Carey

by Student Communication -
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What is it like to be a librarian during a lockdown? One word sums it up – decisions.

Quarantine or not to quarantine books. Wipe or not to wipe all returned books. Zoom or Teams. 1 or 2 meters apart. Electronic or print. Disposable or cloth mask. EBSCO or Proquest, to name a few.

Despite all the decisions, God created rainbows to remind me that he is still under control. During this lockdown, I was blessed to be able to see several rainbows. There was one day, I saw two rainbows. One in front of my house and the other at the back of my house. I paused and admired it, and I smiled to myself. I am grateful to be reminded of God’s covenant that he will never again destroy all life – Genesis 9:12-17.

Now, back to decisions. Jacinda or Ashley. Oh well... you will have to email me to find out.


Chapel Tuesday 19 October

Charles Hewlett, Baptist national leader and former Principal of Carey Baptist College, will be sharing with us this week, so be sure to tune in at 11.15am for what's sure to be an enriching time together with Phil Halstead curating.

Join us on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 941 1491 6933

Campus Remains Closed

With Auckland still at Level 3, Carey’s current Alert Level 3 arrangements continue to be in place. This means that the campus remains closed to staff and students.

All classes (weekly taught and blocks) will be taught online via Zoom until at least Friday 23 October.

We will make a decision about the final two weeks of semester before that date. The weeks starting 8 and 15 November remain as the planned study/reading weeks, with some Monday classes having a catch up session on 8 November to account for Labour Day.

Course Evaluations - Due 18 October!

If you want to make Neroli very happy, please complete your semesterly course evaluations this weekend. The link to the survey is found in your CareyOnline course. We value your input and feedback as we seek to improve our courses.

Number Name Survey Completions
MB6/728 A History of the Gospel in Aotearoa 8
MB531 Intro to the Old Testament 6
MF478 Faith Engaging Social Issues 0
MB6/740 Acts: A Missional Reading 7
MB6/723 People of God 15
MB6/733 Worship and Wisdom 3
MM6/769 Gospel and Youth 5
MM6/777 Family and NZ Society 5
MM663 Introduction to Preaching 8
MA826 Kingdom Economics 2
MA827 Theology, Race and Church 4
MA828 Discipleship and Gospel Transformation 4

The deadline for completion has been extended to 18 October so that the feedback can be collated and lecturers can respond to it in week 15. Please contact Neroli Hollis if you have any questions.



If you are worried about getting your assessments done in time and would like to request an extension, please contact Neroli Hollis and complete an Application for Extension form.

Super Saturday Vaccination


The Government is sponsoring Super Saturday, an initiative to vaccinate as many people as possible. If you've yet to get your first or second jab, or have friends or whānau needing theirs, Super Saturday is a perfect time to get vaccinated. Vaccination centres across Aotearoa will be open all day and into the evening to get our numbers up.

Welfare and Wellbeing Support

We continue to remind staff and students and friends of the college that physical and mental wellbeing is important, and can be supported through accessing a range of resources. 

The Government has compiled a list of services and support for physical and mental health, financial needs, and other support.

While the library remains closed during Level 3, click and collect is available from 10am-1pm, Monday to Saturday. Please be in touch if you need any resources to support your studies. 


We are praying that you find time to feel refuelled in your spirit, renewed in your mind, refreshed in your body, and relaxed in the knowledge that the Father is holding you.