What is it like to be a librarian during a lockdown? One word sums it up – decisions.
Quarantine or not to quarantine books. Wipe or not to wipe all returned books. Zoom or Teams. 1 or 2 meters apart. Electronic or print. Disposable or cloth mask. EBSCO or Proquest, to name a few.
Despite all the decisions, God created rainbows to remind me that he is still under control. During this lockdown, I was blessed to be able to see several rainbows. There was one day, I saw two rainbows. One in front of my house and the other at the back of my house. I paused and admired it, and I smiled to myself. I am grateful to be reminded of God’s covenant that he will never again destroy all life – Genesis 9:12-17.
Now, back to decisions. Jacinda or Ashley. Oh well... you will have to email me to find out.