
Week 8 @ Carey - NZSL and Loving One Another

Week 8 @ Carey - NZSL and Loving One Another

Kathryn Heard發表於
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WEEK 8     
I’m writing this at the end of New Zealand Sign Language week. It has had quite an impact on me. At community lunch on Monday we were taught a few signs and encouraged to give it a go. Since I was rostered on to lead part of our community worship on Tuesday I thought I’d see if we could use sign in some way. Since it was to be the first chapel after Easter, I was looking at the Easter Day experience of the disciples in John 20:19-21. Andrew Picard had explained to me some time ago that sign isn’t just word-for-word representation of a spoken language but a way of perceiving and communicating that is visual and embodied. That got me wondering what would be seen and experienced tangibly in that short passage. People who actually know and use sign would capture it with much more nuance, but for me, it distilled into this simple sequence: FEAR -  CLOSE DOOR - SEE JESUS - JOY - OPEN DOOR.

When I attempted to sign that sequence (with the aid of the brilliant website I found myself profoundly moved. Expressing fear physically, the action of closing the door to shut myself in, and others out; then looking at Jesus, recognizing the nail-pierced hands; the physical and emotional exuberance of enacting joy; and the sense of liberation, with mingled relief and apprehension, as I opened the door to others and to fresh possibilities. In experiencing the passage like this I was forced to confront ways in which I have closed the door because of fear, and to take courage from seeing the risen,  living Jesus to open the door to others and to the world into which he sends and accompanies us.

There are ways of knowing and things known through the eyes and the body that might be missed by those of us who tend to default to the syntax of verbal communication as our means of understanding. Truly, the Deaf hear.  

George Wieland


(Carey Chapel 12.40pm - 1pm)

Phil Halstead will be speaking in Chapel this week on John 13: 34-35

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”


(12.40pm Monday | 12pm Tuesday)

Join us on Monday and Tuesday for our Community Lunches. This is a great time to get to know other students and staff while enjoying a delicious lunch together.


(Carey Chapel 12.40pm - 1pm)

John Tucker will be leading this time together. This is a time for everyone, staff and students together, to join and pray with one another.

Wondering what the translation is for our Karakia that is up on the wall in the dining room? Here it is:

Bless this food 
May it nourish our bodies and feed our spirit with the bread of eternal life
In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord
forever and ever
13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. 14 But if you harbour bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. 15 Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 16 For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.
17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness. James 3


A reminder that if you have a valid ? reason for needing to request an extension to an assessment due date, fill out the form (CareyOnline – Forms for Students) and return this in advance to Neroli (


The Library is back to normal hours next week:
Monday to Thursday:  8.30am to 6.30pm
Friday:                            9.00am to 5pm
Saturday:                       10.00am to 12.30pm



We're holding our May Open Day on Tuesday 28th May.

How about inviting a friend or family member along to investigate study at Carey?

Bring a friend to Carey's open day on 28th May who is considering study and you could get a double pass movie ticket on us! (seven to be won).

We have a June intake so they could start their journey this year. It could be dipping their toe in with Thinking Theologically next semester or.....

It kicks off at 8am with our famous Bagel Breakfast. All are welcome.

More details here