GMIM 25 July 2011

GMIM 25 July 2011

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Neroli Hollis writes…

“I do a spot of Open Home visiting. You see them advertised and you think yes we will go and have a look at that one; or I just want to be plain nosey and see what is behind that house I’ve driven or walked past often. So off we trundle to view at the given time and do the usual - shoes off and fill in the agent’s form and then off we go to look and explore. It starts off as being interesting and then it gets a bit repetitive and depressing when you find that it is not quite as it looked or when what you might like is $$$$ more than what you want to spend!

Now when you sell your home I believe a lot of it seems to be based on looks and presentation (and of course location location). If it all looks like it’s new, modern or freshly renovated then it will sell. A place that has a tired looking interior will not unless it has other adorning features like it is across the road from Eden Park or Carey Baptist College! And so all the interior home make up artists come in – furniture is rented and places look more like show homes or pictures out of House and Garden than homes that people actually live in (perhaps as a sideline I could provide fresh baking for Open Homes, to go along with the rented furniture!) and after a while you keep seeing the same inside of a house as you saw in last week’s Open Home. Originality seems to go out the door!

Occasionally I get up the courage and open the cupboards and yes nothing – because of course the bits outside the cupboard are more important than what is in them!! And with the empty cupboards comes the empty home sense for me – give it some life – some flour and icing sugar - some messy drawer!

A lot of houses look good from the outside and even in the carefully arranged insides, but beneath the roof or inside the cupboard you get to see that it is just a shell and there is not much to it. Life is missing – with all its real beauty, mess and colour.

Presentation and beauty are good things (and do seem often to work in the world of selling) but in a real world truth is what lasts and hopefully that is what you are here at Carey to visit and explore. As you enter or re-enter the world of study here at Carey this semester, may you learn and study in truth and may it be shaping how you look, and are, inside and out – just in case someone opens you up and needs to see what is really behind your front cupboard door!”


Community Worship 11:15am-12noon

Facilitated by Michael Renner and Josh Pound

Speaker: Bill Dryness

After Dinner Mints @ lunch

Bill A. Dyrness is the professor of theology and culture at Fuller Theological Seminary. He is a former missionary and the author of several books, including The Earth Is God's: A Theology of American Culture, Learning About Theology from the Third World.


Principal's Call to Prayer


Charles keenly invites you to join with him and other staff members to pray in regard to the appointment of two new Biblical Study Academics @ Carey. This is an exciting time for us as a college and we must seek God’s leading.


Art Week! 1-5 August

An opportunity to display your own creativity around the college and theme the usual activities around art.


Dining Room/Chapel (card access only)

8:30am-9:30pm Monday - Thursday

8:30am-5:00pm Friday

Lecture/Admin building

Main entrance

8:30am-5pm (open access) Monday - Friday

No student access after 5pm so all evening class access is via the back entrance.

Back entrance

8:30am-9:30pm Monday-Thursday

8:30am-5:00pm Friday

Library Hours

8:30am—6:30pm Monday-Thursday

9:00am-5:00pm Friday

10:00am-2:30pm Saturdays


These are located down the main corridor in alphabetical order of surname for on-site students. If your name is not there please see Lidy at reception. NB: Returning students, yours may have moved from its Semester One location! Please also note that pigeon holes should be used only for Carey-related notices and communication with each other.

If you have a notice regarding an event, accommodation or job vacancy please pass this by reception before it goes on a noticeboard.

ART WEEK – 1-5 August 2011

An annual event when we can celebrate our own creativity.

Create a piece of art to display or bring in something you already have ... photography, painting, sculpture, etching, name it, there are plenty of options.

Please bring your creation to Shireen's office (off reception) with your name and the title of the work (if applicable) by midday Friday 29 July. We’ll have it ready for display around the college for Monday 1 August.

Library news

The first library training sessions will be held in the library today from 1-1.30pm.

All new students are encouraged to attend.

Student Help Rosters

A big thank you to all the students who volunteered time to assist with duties. Information regarding your duty has been placed in your pigeon hole. For those involved in doing dishes, the duty is a weekly one and not a fortnightly one. Could everyone assist in keeping the dining room tidy by taking all plates etc to the kitchen trolley on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and pushing in your chairs when you leave the table. If you have a minute to grab a cloth and wipe the table down, it would be very much appreciated. If you cannot be on your duty, please make sure you have a replacement so that those on duty are not left shorthanded. This is not only essential but respectful and considerate to those left on duty.

Thank you very much


We’re keen to offer faithful, daily prayer for students, lecturers and friends/family – please email your requests to or anonymously in Nigel Irwin’s pigeon hole if you wish. And if you’d like to join the prayer-chain, let me (Nigel) know. James 5:16, Phil 4:6