Burma: a Carey graduate and the new refugees

Burma: a Carey graduate and the new refugees

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Some of us have shared classes with Pastor Peacefully Thomas, who did a Graduate Certificate through Carey by distance from Thailand finishing last year. His church is right on the Burma/Myanmar-Thailand border and he is coping with a huge influx of refugees (across the nearby river which marks the border) as the Burma/Myanmar Army is shelling villages as they resume fighting against the Karen minority now that the “election” is over.

Peacefully is already running a school for children driven from their homes, now many of the parents have joined them. He writes:

...our area here (Pho Phra) which 5 km from DKBA headquarters, so many people from that side now crossing to Thailand. For sure the fighting will start sometime. That why many villager are now crossing.

Some of the villagers contact me to help them and prepare some place for them to stay. It is really hard for me because it is depend on the Thai authority. Any way as you know we are the only school which is close to this border, so for those children who want to continuous their study will come to our place.

We need your payer and your help.

Share the news to keep pressure on the government not to do any action of war if their election is true democracy and peace.

We are nothing but we can do something through the One Who strength us.

In His Service


Partners NZ (a relief and development agency who help support the school Peacefully runs) are sending supplies and food to PhoPhra. I'll try to post updates to a blog as I get information. Please do pray for him and his friends at this time!