CareyWeekly Newsletter 2024 S2 Week 2

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2024 S2 Week 2

by Student Communication -
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We’re moving now

We’re two full weeks in, and things are really moving now. Maybe some of you feel a bit out in front of your skis. But, hopefully you’re beginning to find your footing and get into a rhythm.

Make the most of all the support tools out there for you—your teachers, the library and support staff, your fellow students, and all the resources to help you have a smooth semester. You can do this!

Academic writing workshop

So, you already know our academic support staff are pretty great. But did you know that Jarrahmal and Anna will be running an academic writing workshop?

  • When: 14 August 12:30-1pm
  • Where: Te Whare Oranga AND on Zoom
Join the Zoom

Don’t forget the 10 Essentials

Also, Have you checked out the 10 Essentials yet? We’ve put together some excellent resources to help you with everything you need as you get going on your assignments. From referencing to how to understand the question, to using Greek and Hebrew in your work, the 10 Essentials is the place to go.

Assessment help on CareyOnline

Did you know that along with the 10 Essentials on CareyOnline, there are sample assignments? Did you also know that you can increase your chances for better marks if you follow these examples? Hopefully you’re at least beginning to think and plan for upcoming assessments. Even if you aren’t yet there, take a look at what’s available to you.

If you've ever wondered how to write a stellar introduction, for example, there are tools that not only provide an example, but give you critical tips to make the most of each word.
Check these tools out to help maximise your writing this semester.

Need to change course?

Are you in the right level for your course? Something else off? If you need to make changes to your courses, complete an Application to Change Courses as soon as possible.

Karakia this Tuesday

It’s been great to hear from Sam and Katie to start this semester at our weekly karakia, and we are keen as to hear from Phil this coming week.

Karakia recordings for all our students

We’ve got Sam’s message from week 1 up on CareyOnline, so check it out if you missed it or want to hear it again.

The Library

Speaking of the library, it’s the place to go for pretty much anything you need while you’re at Carey. Whether you’re online or on-site, Mei Ling, Anna, and Siong can help you get your resources, answer questions, and be around for support as you study. Flick them an email, give them a call (09 526 0347), or stop by whenever you need them.

Library Hours

Monday to Thursday: 8.30am to 6.30pm
Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday: 10am to 12.30pm

Library Tip: Permalink

Trying to save a resource from the library database so you can refer to it later? When searching our library database if you want to save or share a page, always use the permalink. If you copy and paste the URL from the address bar, it will expire.

See the screenshot below for where to find the Permalink button—it’s at the bottom of the Tools menu on the right-hand side.

SASS midwinter Christmas

Your Student Association (SASS) has a bit of a tradition of putting on a midwinter Christmas celebration. On Tuesday, 6 August, the midwinter Christmas celebration in the wharekai will take place, and you won’t want to miss it. If you’re on-site, come to the celebration right after karakia, and enjoy the festivities.

Oh, and there will be a mean feed, so come hungry!

Special lecture coming up

This week, Carey is hosting John Barclay, one of the foremost New Testament scholars in the world today for a public lecture on grace and economics. John is the Lightfoot Professor of Divinity at Durham University in England and has served as the President of the British New Testament Society.

Please join us for a free public lecture, on-site at Carey Baptist College or online.


When: Tuesday, 6 August at 4:30pmWhere: LR1 and online (register for the online webinar through Carey Centre for Lifelong Learning). You do not need to register for the on-site event. Just rock up!
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