|  | | One week down and… well, there’s a ways to go just yet. But, it’s ramping up around Carey, and we hope you are ready for an exhilirating semester of learning more about our God, yourselves, and one another. There’s a lot to remember, but we’ve got you covered with this week’s newsletter. So, read on for all you need to know for week two (and beyond), and, as always, shout if you need anything! Have you heard of The Code?The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021, which we affectionately refer to as “The Code,” lays out roles and responsibilities set out by NZQA for schools like Carey to support your wellbeing, development, and educational achievement. As a signatory of the Code, we have people and processes in place to help you in these areas. Learn more on our Student Support page. |
| |  | All you need to know in one place |
| A reminder to check out our Current Students webpage. It’s your place to start if you need to know something. Here are a few of the resources you may find handy there: CareyOnline - our learning platform has all your course info, lecture recordings, and more. For more on how to use CareyOnline, see the next newsletter item below! 10 Essentials - from how to use the library, to how to reference, these documents have all you need to succeed in your assessments. Adademic Regulations and Calendar and Student Handbook - information on student regulations, harassment and complaint procedures, and much more can be found here. Timetables - check these out to see when your classes are running next week. Also, don't forget to familiarise yourself with your course outlines on CareyOnline. Student Support and Wellbeing - learn about our passionate team and resources available to you, like information on The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice. Student Facebook Group - a page for current students of Carey to ask questions, share resources, and whatever else you need.
| |  | Need help with CareyOnline? |
| If you’re just getting started with Carey, you might need a bit of help with how to use our learning management system, CareyOnline. If that’s you, take a look at this CareyOnline Quick Start Guide. It’ll get you sorted! If you are a returning student and haven’t yet gotten up to speed on the CareyOnline upgrade changes, check out this CareyOnline navigation document for all you need to know on the changes. |
| |  | Introduction to Christian Leadership Course |
| The new Certificate in Christian Leadership (Micro-credential) is now NZQA approved!Tell all your churches, family, and friends about the course, because it’s is going to reframe how we think about leadership with wisdom, learning, and insight from our entire teaching team! Enrolment opens next Tuesday, 30 July! Here’s all you need to knowWhen: course starts on Tuesday 20 August, 7-9pm (12 classes) Mode: fully online, for credit. Study either with a CareyLocal cohort or as an individual student Cost: only $240 per student (similar courses are $809). That’s the equivalent of just $20 per class! Enrolment: opens on 30 July and close on 12 August. Award: successful completion will result in the award of an NZQA-accredited Certificate in Christian Leadership (micro-credential). There are limited spaces on this course and no late enrolments will be accepted. |
| | |  | | We got off to a great start at karakia this past week, and we are looking forward to another great time together on Tuesday. Karakia recordings for all our studentsAs a reminder, we are filming karakia as we go and will provide recordings online as they become available. Check out the 2024 semester one recordings to catch up or get a refresher. |
| |  | | You can talk to any of our team, and they will ensure you are connected with the best person to help you in your studies. Head to the library, and they will get you sorted. Student Support AdvisorsDenise Tims and Jarrahmal Tanielu are your Student Support Advisors. Denise has a primary responsibility for connecting with and supporting Māori students, while Jarrahmal will have primary responsibility for supporting our Pasifika students. Both of them will also provide wider support for all students in partnership with our wonderful library support team: Siong, Mei Ling, and Anna. CareyLocal and ESOL SupportJacqui Fisher will also be supporting our CareyLocal students, and Laurie Guy continues to support students with a particular focus on ESOL support. |
| |  | | Speaking of the library, it’s the place to go for pretty much anything you need while you’re at Carey. Whether you’re online or on-site, Mei Ling, Anna, and Siong can help you get your resources, answer questions, and be around for support as you study. Flick them an email, give them a call (09 526 0347), or stop by whenever you need them. Extended Library Hours are back!Monday to Thursday: 8.30am to 6.30pm Friday: 9am to 5pm Saturday: 10am to 12.30pm First Steps for new studentsAll new students should be enrolled in First Steps on CareyOnline. This is a course to familiarise yourself with life at Carey and give you vital academic skills for your study journey. This is a required course, so please make it a priority to complete if you haven’t done it before. |
| |  | | Your Student Association (SASS) has a bit of a tradition of putting on a midwinter Christmas celebration. On Tuesday, 6 August, the midwinter Christmas celebration in the wharekai will take place, and you won’t want to miss it. If you’re on-site, come to the celebration right after karakia, and enjoy the festivities. Oh, and there will be a mean feed, so come hungry!. |
| | |  | We are excited to host Dr. David Moffitt from the University of St Andrews for a couple of days next week. He is speaking at Mangere Bridge Baptist on Wednesday night from 7:30pm with some reflections on Jesus’s role as our high priest. Learn more about the free event on our Facebook page. Thinking about doctoral study?David will also be joining us on-site for karakia and community lunch on Tuesday. For students considering doctoral study, he would love to share more about studying at St Andrews on Tuesday right after community lunch. We will meet in Te Whare Oranga from 1:15-2:00 and anyone who is off-site is welcome to join via Zoom. |
| |  | Carey will also be hosting John Barclay, one of the foremost New Testament scholars in the world today for a public lecture on grace and economics. John is the Lightfoot Professor of Divinity at Durham University in England and has served as the President of the British New Testament Society. Please join us for a free public lecture, on-site at Carey Baptist College or online. Details- Tuesday, 6 August at 4:30pm
- Carey chapel and online (register for the online webinar through Carey Centre for Lifelong Learning). You do not need to register for the on-site event. Just rock up!
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