CareyWeekly Newsletter 2024 S1 Week 13

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2024 S1 Week 13

Student Communication -


Psalm 146:5-10

5 Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the Lord their God,
6 who made heaven and earth,
the sea, and all that is in them;
who keeps faith forever;
7 who executes justice for the oppressed;
who gives food to the hungry.

The Lord sets the prisoners free;
8 the Lord opens the eyes of the blind.
The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down;
the Lord loves the righteous.
9 The Lord watches over the strangers;
he upholds the orphan and the widow,
but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin.

10 The Lord will reign forever,
your God, O Zion, for all generations.
Praise the Lord!

Course Evaluations

We regularly gather feedback for courses across our qualifications. Not all courses are evaluated every semester, but evaluations are open for the following courses:

Te Ao Māori
Christian Worldview
Gospels: John
Poverty, Transformation, and the Gospel
Humanity and Hope
Foundations of Youth Ministry
Missional Leadership

You will find the link to the evaluations in your respective Course Announcements forum. Surveys will close Wednesday, 5 June at 11pm. Please make completing these a priority.

Also, Neroli has promised chocolates to any student who completes a course evaluation—so, if you were wondering why there is a picture of chocolate up there, now you know.

Student Support Options

We are excited to let you know of some changes and additions to our Student Support Team!

Denise Tims and Jarrahmal Tanielu join the team in the roles of Student Support Advisors. Denise will have a primary responsibility for connecting with and supporting Māori students. Jarrahmal will have primary responsibility for supporting our Pasifika students. Both of them will also provide wider support for all students in partnership with our wonderful library support team: Siong, Mei Ling, and Anna). We are delighted to Denise and Jarrahmal formally joining our student support team and spearheading our MPI student support.

Jacqui Fisher will also be supporting our CareyLocal students. Denise, Jarrahmal, and Jacqui all have prior experience in academic and pastoral support roles. Laurie Guy continues to support students, with a particular focus on ESOL support. And don’t forget our Peer Writing Assistants!

As usual, you can talk to any of our team, and they will ensure you are connected with the best person to help you in your studies.

Reminder about Due Dates and Extensions—Plan Ahead!

This is just a friendly reminder to check the due dates for assessments, and plan accordingly.

Assessments handed in up to one week after the due date are marked with 10% late penalty; assessments handed in between 7-14 days are marked pass/fail. Assessments handed in after the two-week period normally are not marked and receive a fail grade. So, be on time!

If you need an extension, please talk to your teacher and Neroli, and complete an
application for an extension.

Psalms Conference

There are still some student-rate tickets for the Psalms conference! Come along to our Psalms Conference, a three-day participatory event in July, and explore how the Bible’s songbook and prayerbook can inspire Christian worship and shape God’s people here in Aotearoa.

There is also a one-day access ticket if you can’t make the whole conference. Get your tickets today!

First Steps survey

For all those who were enrolled in First Steps this semester we would really appreciate it if you completed a short, six-question survey. Thank you so much!

Also, don’t forget you can go back and refer to all the First Steps videos anytime you want.

Karakia this week

Emma was awesome this past week in karakia, and next week we have our beloved Andrew Picard sharing with us. You won’t want to miss this week!

Karakia recordings

Don’t forget, we’re gathering the recordings from previous services for you to watch any time you want. So check them out.

Let’s eat together!

We’ve got our opportunities to have some face-to-face and kai time together with Coffee, Tea, and Cake on Monday (bring your lunch along) and a free shared lunch on Tuesday. If you’re on-site, come along!

The Library

The year keeps going on, and the library staff continue to be legendary. If you need anything, Mei Ling, Anna, and Siong are available to help!

Library hours:
Monday to Thursday 8.30am-6.30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12.30pm

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