CareyWeekly Newsletter 2024 S1 Week 12

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2024 S1 Week 12

by Student Communication -
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Celebrating jobs well done

Graduation was this past weekend, and a number of Carey graduates celebrated a job well done. It was a special time to reflect on the journeys that our graduating students have completed, having their whānau and support folks around them to honour the occasion. We are extremely proud of those who completed qualifications.

As you are in the throes of studying and putting in your own mahi, know that there is a payoff coming, and it’s so much more than the day you walk across that stage. You are hopefully being formed by God through your studies, and growing more into the likeness of Jesus day by day. Stay focussed, and keep pressing on, knowing each day is a win!

Carey Open Events

Tomorrow, 28 May from 9am-3pm is Open Day at Carey. If you are on campus, we encourage you to take a minute and welcome anyone new and share with them how awesome Carey is!

There is still time to have a mate
register for Open Day so they can know how cool it is to study here too! There’s a draw for a prize for those who bring a friend, and while we can’t say what it is, we can say you’ll love it.

Also, Online Open Evening is next Tuesday, 4 June from 7.30-8.45pm. You can tell your friends about our
Online Open Evening too, ya know?

Reminder about Due Dates and Extensions—Plan Ahead!

This is just a friendly reminder to check the due dates for assessments, and plan accordingly.

Assessments handed in up to one week after the due date are marked with 10% late penalty; assessments handed in between 7-14 days are marked pass/fail. Assessments handed in after the two-week period normally are not marked and receive a fail grade. So, be on time!

If you need an extension, please talk to your teacher and Neroli, and complete an
application for an extension.

Psalms Conference

There are still some student-rate tickets for the Psalms conference, but not many! Come along to our Psalms Conference, a three-day participatory event in July, and explore how the Bible’s songbook and prayerbook can inspire Christian worship and shape God’s people here in Aotearoa.

There is also a one-day access ticket if you can’t make the whole conference. Get your tickets today!

First Steps survey

For all those who were enrolled in First Steps this semester we would really appreciate it if you completed a short, six-question survey. Thank you so much!

Also, don’t forget you can go back and refer to all the First Steps videos anytime you want.

Karakia this week

We had a lovely time at karakia this week with Geoff New sharing with us on Isaiah. Next week, our very own Emma Stokes will be sharing at our Open Day karakia!

Karakia recordings

Don’t forget, we’re gathering the recordings from previous services for you to watch any time you want. So check them out.

Let’s eat together!

We’ve got our opportunities to have some face-to-face and kai time together with Coffee, Tea, and Cake on Monday (bring your lunch along) and a free shared lunch on Tuesday. If you’re on-site, come along!

The Library

The year keeps going on, and the library staff continue to be legendary. If you need anything, Mei Ling, Anna, and Siong are available to help!

Library hours:
Monday to Thursday 8.30am-6.30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12.30pm

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