We are confident you are taking full advantage of the Study and Reading weeks and making great progress on your work for the semester. So, well done, and keep up the good work. As a reminder, no on-site courses take place during this time, aside from the block course, Missional Leadership with Sarah and Elliot Rice next week from Monday, 29 April to Thursday, 2 May.
Assessment Support
Don’t forget to reach out to Eugene, Siong, Mei Ling, and Anna in the library. They are dedicated to keeping you from being too stressed and to helping you flourish. So, please make use of their superb awesomeness.
Also, you can reach out to Moana, our Peer Writing Assistant if you need some insight on your work.
And don't forget about the 10 Essentials found on CareyOnline. Need help with referencing? Using gender-neutral language? Want some sample essays to review? The 10 Essentials have them all!