CareyWeekly Newsletter 2024 S1 Week 8

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2024 S1 Week 8

by Student Communication -
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How you doing?

We are confident you are taking full advantage of the Study and Reading weeks and making great progress on your work for the semester. So, well done, and keep up the good work. As a reminder, no on-site courses take place during this time, aside from the block course, Missional Leadership with Sarah and Elliot Rice next week from Monday, 29 April to Thursday, 2 May.

Assessment Support

Don’t forget to reach out to Eugene, Siong, Mei Ling, and Anna in the library. They are dedicated to keeping you from being too stressed and to helping you flourish. So, please make use of their superb awesomeness.

Also, you can reach out to Moana, our Peer Writing Assistant if you need some insight on your work.

And don't forget about the
10 Essentials found on CareyOnline. Need help with referencing? Using gender-neutral language? Want some sample essays to review? The 10 Essentials have them all!

Psalms Conference Student Rates—save $50!

There are still some student-rate tickets for the Psalms conference, but not many! So get your student-rate ticket quick!

Come along to our Psalms Conference, a three-day participatory event in July, and explore how the Bible’s songbook and prayerbook can inspire Christian worship and shape God’s people here in Aotearoa.

There is also a one-day access ticket if you can’t make the whole conference, but there are only TEN of these tickets available. The access code for the students discount is ONEDAY, but get your one-day ticket here or click one-day button below to go straight to the promo page.

Carey Open Events

Tuesday, 28 May from 9am-3pm is Open Day at Carey. If you are on campus, we encourage you to spread a little Carey kindness to anyone attending.

Have a mate
register for Open Day so they can know how cool it is to study here too!

Also, Online Open Evening is Tuesday, 4 June from 7.30-8.45pm. You can tell your friends about our
Online Open Evening too, ya know?

No Karakia or Community Lunch

Over the Study and Reading Weeks, there will be no weekly karakia or community lunch events. See you in week 10!

Karakia recordings

But if you’re missing karakia, we’ve got all the recordings from the first half of the semester, so check them out now! Also, check out the blurb below for a new way to listen!

A New Podcast to Share

Did you know that the NZ Baptist Union has created a new podcast of the 2024 karakia recordings? Well, they did. While we are sure you’ve watched the recordings many times already, now you can listen and share the podcast versions too!

It’s called CareyOPEN, and it’s a great resource to listen for yourself and share with friends. Give it a go!

The Library

Hours remain the same in the library, and the staff are keen as to help! Stop by, or send them an email, and they’ll happily lend a hand.

Library hours:
Monday to Thursday 8.30am-6.30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12.30pm

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