CareyWeekly Newsletter 2024 S1 Week 6

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2024 S1 Week 6

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Time to Focus

There’s a break coming up in lectures. But, you know it’s not a break—it’s Study and Reading Weeks! You won’t be going to class, but you’ll be focussing in on those assessments. You’ll be reading and thinking. And you’ll be learning and growing. As you study and work to get things done, ask God to help you see more clearly, think more critically, and love others more fervently.

Make the most of the next three weeks. You’ll be glad you did!

Study and Reading Weeks

Beginning next week, Carey's Study and Reading weeks begin, spanning semester-weeks seven through nine, from Monday, 15 April through Sunday, 5 May. Lectures will resume in week 10, beginning Monday, 6 May. Also, there will be no weekly karakia and no community lunches during the next three weeks.

The following block course will take place on campus over the final week (week 9):

  • Missional Leadership with Sarah and Elliot Rice from Monday, 29 April to Thursday, 2 May

Need Some Support?

As you are working, you may come to a point where you need a bit of help. Don't worry, because support is never far off. The library team are keeping normal hours, and Eugene is available on-site on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to chat and help as well.

Also, you can reach out to Moana, our Peer Writing Assistant if you need some insight on your work.

And don't forget about the
10 Essentials on CareyOnline. These are invaluable resources that can make a massive difference as you complete your work, and they are a great place to start!

No Karakia or Community Lunch

Over the Study and Reading Weeks, there will be no weekly karakia or community lunch events.

Karakia recordings

But if you’re missing karakia, we’ve got recordings of the first five weeks of karakia, including Michael’s talk recently added to the bunch. Check them out now!

Welcome Back, Carey Alumni!

Did you know there is a reunion happening for all those who studied at Carey during the 1970s? Former Carey students will be getting together to connect and fellowship the first weekend in May.

What’s really cool is that on Monday, 6 May, these past alumni have been invited to join in the first half of lectures on-site. Even better, they are joining for lunch with current students. So, if you are on-site Monday, 6 May, instead of Coffee, Cake, and Convo at 12.15, we will be having a free shared lunch with the 1970s Reunion crew. It’ll be a great time to meet some of them, hear their stories, and be encouraged by what God has done in their lives since they studied here.

So, come along, welcome your extended Carey whānau, and enjoy a mean feed.

The Library

Are you looking for a constant to keep you steady during your studies? Try Jesus. But, after him, go to our amazing library staff, who are always here for you, even over the Study and Reading weeks. Hours remain the same because they all care for you that much! Stop by, or send them an email, and they’ll happily lend a hand.

Library hours:
Monday to Thursday 8.30am-6.30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12.30pm

Graduation Helpers Needed!

We need some helpers for graduation next month. It's one of the most special days on the Carey calendar, but it doesn't happen without heaps of work. That’s where you come in! If you are able to help set up and tear down at graduation on Saturday, 18 May at Manukau City Baptist Church, let Neroli know.

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