|  | CAREY WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 2024 S1 WEEK 5 |  | The Unifying Power of the Resurrection | 32 Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common. 33 With great power the apostles gave their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. (Acts 4:32-33, NRSVUE) It’s quite a powerful thing, the resurrection. So many scandalous beliefs make up the Christian faith, but perhaps none moreso than Jesus’ utter contempt for death. No wonder the early church found such unity, because they saw their Saviour King step out of heaven, take on flesh, die, and walk again. What great power, indeed, in the resurrection, and what a gift that the same Spirit who raised Jesus is in and among us today. As you go about your weekend—with whānau, at camp, studying, resting, whatever—soak in that power. May you find peace and assurance in the God who lives, and may you walk boldly in magnificent, unifying belief in the resurrection that unites us as followers of Jesus today. | |  | Easter Schedule Changes | You’ve heard the “Week 5a/5b” stuff, right? If you’re confused, here’s a day-by-day of what’s going on at Carey the next couple weeks and how it affects you. Carey will be closed for Good Friday, 29 March until Tuesday, 2 April. That means no karakia or community lunch next week. We're back to business Wednesday, 3 April but with no classes. The week of 8 April will bring us back to our regular schedule for week six of the academic term. Study and Reading weeks are coming up, starting from 15 April until 3 May, weeks seven to nine of the semester. Here’s a table view if you are a visual person: |  | |  | Need Some More Light in the Morning? | Good news! Clocks go back an hour on Sunday, 7 April, as daylight savings comes to an end. If you are one of those who has clocks around your whare, analog watches, or if you don’t have your phone set to change automatically, change your clocks. Otherwise, don’t say we didn’t warn you. Enjoy an extra hour of sleep! | |  | No Karakia Tuesday, 2 April | Since Carey is closed on Tuesday, there is no karakia next week. But, we will be back for a single week on Tuesday, 9 April. We will not have karakia during the Study and Reading Weeks. Karakia recordingsWe’ve got recordings of the first four weeks of karakia. Check them out now! | |  | The Library | The library will be closed, just like the rest of Carey, from Friday, 29 March through Tuesday, 2 April. Otherwise, it’s business as usual with Mei Ling, Anna, and Siong keen to help you get your resources, answer questions, and be around for support as you study. Flick them an email, give them a call (09 526 0347), or stop by whenever you need them. Monday to Thursday: 8.30am–6.30pm Friday, 29 March: CLOSED Monday and Tuesday, 1-2 April: CLOSED Wednesday and Thursday, 3-4 April: 8.30am-6.30pm Friday, 5 April: 9am-5pm
| |  | Academic Committee Representatives | If you have any feedback or ideas about how to make studying at Carey even better than it is, feel free to email Herman or Moana or chat to them if you see them around. They are your wonderful representatives and a critical voice for all students on Academic Committee. | |  | Do You Like Pizza? | How about FREE pizza? For your whole youth group? Are you Easter Camping? If you’re at Northern Easter Camp, come visit us in the café and take a pic of your group on the Carey couch. Another way to get in the draw is by taking a selfie with any of the Carey staff members at camp. Christa and Matt McKirland will also be at Southern Easter Camp, so if you’re down south, you can take a selfie with either of them (they’ll have Carey t-shirts on). Upload your pic to social, tag Carey, make it public, and you’ve got another entry! | | No Newsletter Next Week | We know this newsletter is the highlight of your week, but we’re taking next week off. So don’t freak out when your newsletter doesn’t arrive next Friday—that’s by design. We will be back to normal in week six, 12 April. | | | |