Give Thanks to the Lord |
1 O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. 2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, those he redeemed from trouble 3 and gathered in from the lands, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south. Psalm 107: 1-3 We’re two weeks in to the semester, and we’ve hopefully all gotten into our routines and rhythms. But as you are settling in, are you remembering to give thanks to the Lord? Getting to study the scriptures and being refined through engagement with teachers and other students are just a couple reasons to thank God this week. What’s on top for you? Response to Student EvaluationsEach year, we evaluate our courses, gathering student feedback and listening to students. Specific feedback is given in class before the end of semester, and we publish the high level themes as well as summarise the response to those points. Take a look at Carey’s response to last year’s student evaluations. |
Final Call for Change of Enrolment |
Are you in the right level for your course? Something else off? If you need to make changes to your courses, complete an Application to Change Courses by this Sunday. |
Assignment Help on CareyOnline |
Did you know that along with the 10 Essentials on CareyOnline, there are sample assignments? Did you also know that you can increase your chances for better marks if you follow these examples? Hopefully you’re at least beginning to think and plan for upcoming assessments. Even if you aren’t yet there, take a look at what’s available to you.
If you've ever wondered how to write a stellar introduction, for example, there are tools that not only provide an example, but give you critical tips to make the most of each word. Check these tools out to help maximise your writing this semester. |
Want to be a Peer Writing Assistant? |
One of the support mechanisms we offer at Carey is a Peer Writing Assistants (PWAs) programme. If you are a second or third year student with strong academic writing, and a love for supporting other students, then being a PWA may be for you!
We are looking for three or four students to upskill in peer writing support. If you are interested in finding out more please email Rob Ayres (Academic Director). |
Tuesday Karakia from 11.15am |
We’ve had two great weeks in our karakia series, Mentored for Ministry, this year. Christa kept the kōrero going with great talk this week. Next week, we are excited to have the one and only George Wieland back among us sharing the word. Karakia recordings are now available!You know how we’ve talked about getting the karakia recordings to you? Well, we have them! They are on CareyOnline for you to enjoy. Check out the first two weeks of karakia recordings now! |
The Library |
The library is the place to go for pretty much anything you need while you’re at Carey. Whether you’re online or on-site, Mei Ling, Anna, and Siong can help you get your resources, answer questions, and be around for support as you study. Flick them an email, give them a call (09 526 0347), or stop by whenever you need them. Library hours are below: Monday to Thursday: 8.30am–6.30pm Friday: 9am–5pm Saturday: 10am–12.30pm
Academic Committee Representatives |
Herman and Moana (pictured above) are the wonderful students representing you as the Student Academic Representatives on Academic Committee. The committee meets once every four to six weeks during the year, and the student reps attend to participate in the discussions, evaluation, and monitoring of all academic processes and policies here at Carey. They are your voice in a critical space that affects all our students.
If you have any feedback or ideas about how to make studying at Carey even better than it is, feel free to email Herman or Moana or chat to them if you see them around. |
Community Time and Kai! |
If you’re an on-site student, don’t miss our times to gather around for great kai and even better kōrero with one another on Mondays and Tuesdays. Coffee, Cake, and ConvoOn Mondays from 12.15pm in the wharekai, bring your own lunch, and hang out with your classmates and the staff. Coffee and cake provided. Tuesday LunchJust after karakia, mosey into the wharekai for our weekly community lunch. SASS are hosting this week, and there’s sport too. Get amongst it! Clean up DutiesEating together means there’s some clean up to do too. So, we’re trying out a roster to make sure we have coverage for each day. - Monday clean up: Intermission
- Tuesday clean up: Year 1 PL/YPL students
First Steps |
All new students should be enrolled in First Steps on CareyOnline. This is a course to familiarise yourself with life at Carey and give you vital academic skills for your study journey. This is a required course, so please make it a priority to complete. All First Steps Videos available onlineHave you already completed First Steps? Maybe you wen’t through the videos a while back and thought about how helpful of a resource they are. Did you konw you can watch all the First Steps videos anytime you want?!? Why don’t you give the Advanced Searching video a go? |
Raranga: Open Formation on Tuesdays |
If you’re not already part of a formation group with your programme, you are welcome to attend Raranga on Tuesday mornings throughout the semester from 10-11am. If you're on-site, pop into the Library Commons Room, and if you are a regional student, feel free to join via Zoom. |