CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S2 Week 6

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S2 Week 6

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With Relentless Fascination

Those of you who have gotten to know me over the last six months may be surprised to know that I can be silent!! When I was 17 (a long time ago now!!) I went on my first three-day, silent retreat, and it was amazing! Have you ever put aside all distractions (no social media, emails, even people to get distracted by) and spent solid time with God?! Even if you are an extrovert like me, I would encourage you to try it. Since that first retreat, I now put aside one weekend every year to intentionally go away to hang with God without the distractions. I suppose you could say it is a spiritual discipline that I have incorporated into my life. And I am never disappointed.

One of the beautiful things I have learnt on my retreats is to just ‘be’ with God and dwell in his love for me. During my latest retreat two weeks ago a sentence from a book I was reading flew off the page at me. “He loves you passionately with relentless fascination because it is the great delight of His being to do so” (From Pete Greig’s book, God on Mute). Wow!!! God loves us passionately with relentless fascination…Does anyone need to hear that this week? Whatever state you find yourself in today, remember God loves you deeply and is your biggest cheerleader!!

Anna Tovey

Mid-semester Study/Reading Weeks

Weeks 7-9 (Monday, 5 September to Friday, 23 September) are study and reading weeks. No on-site courses take place during this time, aside from the Intro to Preaching (Week 7 from 5-8 September) and Children's Ministry (19-23 September) block courses.

Also, weekly karakia and community lunches will not take place until week 10, beginning Monday, 26 September. Library hours will remain the same.

You'll no doubt be hard at work on assessments, and staff will continue to be available to support you as usual.

CGS Research Conference

Every year, Carey Graduate School students and faculty share their research at this stimulating, one-day event. Paper presentations cover a wide range of topics relevant to the church in Aotearoa and across the world. We'd love to see you there to support your peers.

When: Thursday, 22 September from 9am-5pm
Where: Carey campus

Lunch, morning, and afternoon tea will be provided, so kindly register online for catering purposes.

Celebrate Our Researching Community

We are celebrating the publications of Carey’s faculty and showcasing their works at our Celebration of Scholarship evening. 

As part of the celebration, we are launching the following books by John Tucker, Phil Halstead, Michael Rhodes, and Christa McKirland.

You're invited to attend this celebration, learn about the works of our researching community, and hear from students and staff as they share about their research.

When: Thursday, 22 September from 7-9pm
Where: Carey campus 

Light snacks, along with coffee and tea will be provided. Register online to attend Carey’s Celebration of Scholarship.

Assessment Help for Weeks 7-9

8ecbfcf1-8c6c-c748-caf6-bf187b4f34cf.jpgWork on assessments ramps up over the next few weeks, so we encourage you to use of the 10 Essentials for Assignments. If you need help with referencing, integrating Greek and Hebrew, submitting an assignment, or just about anything else, these resources will help

If you need an extension for an assigment, please contact Neroli Hollis, and complete an Application for Extension form.

Further, you can find sample assignments on the 10 Essentials page. So be sure to scroll down for sample essays, a Referencing Cheat Sheet, and heaps more.

Community Lunches 

Community lunches will not be taking place over the study/reading weeks, but feel free to use the wharekai for lunch with your mates or on your own.

Julie will be back prepping amazing kai (that butter chicken, right?!) from week 10.

Weekly Karakia

There will be no chapel until week 10, when Michael Rhodes kicks off the second half of the semester. See you in the chapel in a few weeks!

Referencing for Beginners

Join us for another workshop on referencing on Tuesday, 6 September at 2pm in Te Whare Oranga.

Not on-site? All good--join via Zoom!

Your Peer Writing Assistants

Did you know that Carey has a peer-based, academic-writing support programme? We have three Peer Writing Assistants for 2022, who have volunteered their time to work with students to help them with academic writing and literacy. Thank you Jacqui, Grace, and Joy (left to right in photo) for helping offer this support.

To book a 25-50-minute session, contact the Library with the following details:

  • Your name and student ID number
  • Which assessment you are focussing on (course, assessment outline), and briefly identify what aspect of the assessment you would like help with.
  • Whether you want a 25-minute or 50-minute slot (in-person, via Zoom, or email).

A Time Management Tip and Library News

Time Management Tip (with aroha from Siong and Neroli): Remember to reward yourself once you have completed an assignment--take an afternoon off, eat an ice cream, bake a cake, go for a run. Do something for you!

Library hours over the study/reading weeks remain the same:

Monday to Thursday 8.30am-6.30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12.30pm