CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S2 Week 5

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2022 S2 Week 5

by Student Communication -
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A More Balanced Path

There is a fragile beauty that is held in the space between pain and joy…grief and hope…loss and peace.
We do not often hold both tensions together as one. How can we hold such polarising notions simultaneously?

To feel depths and peaks in the same moment seems impossible. Yet this space, this tension, this in-between, houses a sacredness that is only found when you stop and allow it all to “be.”

It is a sacredness that is revealed when you choose to stop fighting and instead, let the emotions sit with you and tell you what they need from you.

We are used to feeling one extreme or the other--but what if there is an invitation to meet in the middle; to walk a more balanced path?

Can you push into the confusion and discomfort that “this” and “that” can co-exist beautifully in the same space--that they can teach us about the deep complexity of life and our own humanity? Step into the sacred space. Look for what is hidden there…


CGS Research Conference

Every year, Carey Graduate School students and faculty share their research at this stimulating, one-day event. Paper presentations cover a wide range of topics relevant to the church in Aotearoa and across the world. We'd love to see you there to support your peers.

When: Thursday, 22 September from 9am-5pm
Where: Carey campus

Lunch, morning, and afternoon tea will be provided, so kindly register online for catering purposes.

Celebrate Our Researching Community

We are celebrating the publications of Carey’s faculty and showcasing their works at our Celebration of Scholarship evening. 

As part of the celebration, we are launching the following books by John Tucker, Phil Halstead, Michael Rhodes, and Christa McKirland.

You're invited to attend this celebration, learn about the works of our researching community, and hear from students and staff as they share about their research.

When: Thursday, 22 September from 7-9pm
Where: Carey campus 

Light snacks, along with coffee and tea will be provided. Register online to attend Carey’s Celebration of Scholarship.

Prayer for Carey

Next Monday, 29 August from 8-9pm, the New Zealand Christian Network are having their monthly Zoom prayer meeting. They are focussing on praying for Carey this week, and Caleb Haurua, Jacqui Caetano, and Grace Paddison will be speaking briefly about Carey. We would love to have lots of staff and students to pray for Carey, and to be prayed for—this is open to anyone (they usually have around 80 people). We have sent NZCNN a list of prayer points, which will be prayed about within breakout rooms.

So, if you are available on Monday night please join!

Join the Prayer Meeting

Community Lunches (and Student Duties)

Come along on Monday at 12.15pm and Tuesday at 12pm for amazing kai and whakawhanaungatanga.

And don't forget the set-up and clean-up duties for the term. The following classes are set to help this week:





 Thinking Theologically 


 General Formation 


Weekly Karakia

Tanya Lameta will be sharing with us during our weekly karakia this Tuesday. Join us in the chapel or join us via Zoom at 11.15am for worship together.

Meeting ID: 924 5851 4246.

We can't wait to see you!

The 10 Essentials

Looking for help with writing an essay? How about completing assessments and referencing? Using the Library?

You can find all this and heaps more in the 10 Essentials for Assignments. Seriously, this could change your life!

Your Peer Writing Assistants

Did you know that Carey has a peer-based, academic-writing support programme? We have three new Peer Writing Assistants for 2022, who have volunteered their time to work with students to help them with academic writing and literacy. Thank you Jacqui, Grace, and Joy (left to right in photo) for helping offer this support.

To book a 25-50-minute session, contact the Library with the following details:

  • Your name and student ID number
  • Which assessment you are focussing on (course, assessment outline), and briefly identify what aspect of the assessment you would like help with.
  • Whether you want a 25-minute or 50-minute slot (in-person, via Zoom, or email).

Library News

At this point, you all should know how amazing the library staff at Carey are. And if you don't, have you even been in the library? Or asked them for help? Seriously, they are legends. Make the most of their expertise during library hours:

Monday to Thursday 8.30am-6.30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12.30pm