CareyWeekly Newsletter Week 4

CareyWeekly Newsletter Week 4

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Mental Health

Last week, Eugene and I completed the Mental Health First Aid workshop. We really enjoyed it and as you can see, we also enjoyed lunch.

This workshop provides strategies to guide someone with mental health conditions towards a positive and useful outcome. Part of our role as student support, is to empower students, enhance self-esteem, and hold space for connectedness.

Feel free to swing by and test our mental health skills.

Tanya Lameta

Changes to Carey's Covid Response 

You'll have received an email with these updates, but as a reminder, with the recent government announcement regarding the removal of vaccine mandates, we plan to move ahead with the following changes taking effect from 4 April:

  • Staff and students will no longer be required to present a My Vaccine Pass or sign in to be on campus. All other visitors will still be required to sign in.
  • For weeks 5 and 6 (starting 4 and 11 April), the following courses will remain online: MB532 Introduction to the New Testament; MM6/794 Poverty, Transformation, and the Gospel; MM561 Introduction to Pastoral Care; and MB6/732 Pentateuch.
  • From week 10 (starting Monday, 9 May) all weekly-taught courses will be offered on-site except for MB6/732 Pentateuch, which will remain online for all of Semester One. 
  • Block courses running over April will be on-campus as per timetable.
  • Masking rules remain the same.
Feel free to message Rob if you have any questions.

Tuesday Chapel

Chapel is happening on Tuesday, 5 April at 11.15 am. Join us on Zoom as Andrew shares on Te Rongopai, and we worship together.

Meeting ID: 956 2360 7784


If you are worried about getting your assessments done in time and would like to request an extension, please contact Neroli Hollis, and complete an Application for Extension form.

10 Essentials for Assignments

Looking for help with referencing? How about completing assessments and writing essays? Using the Library?

You can find all this and heaps more in the 10 Essentials for Assignments. Seriously, this could change your life!

Community Lunch

Lunch next week is on Monday, 4 April. Don't forget to register for week 6 lunch on 11 April now.

Community lunch will continue to take place on Mondays at 12.15pm, and you'll need to register each week. We also encourage you to eat outside or remain in your class bubbles. 

You have until 10am Thursday, 7 April to register for week 6.
Register for Week 6 Lunch

Monday Photoshoot

You'll notice a few people from Render Creative taking photos and recording video on campus Monday, 4 April. With our new branding, we are updating our visual media to better represent who we are and are excited to feature our amazing students.

If you have any questions or wish to opt out, feel free to email Nicola Mountfort

Library Competition

The competition to identify languages of Bibles from our display in the Library continues for another week. The languages of the two Bibles from last week were:

  1. Romanian: a Balkan Romance language spoken by approximately 26 million people as a native language, primarily in Romania and Moldova
  2. Karen: the Karen languages are comprised of a group of languages spoken primarily in the coastal areas of Thailand and in the lower regions of Burma

It was tough this week with no one getting Karen correct, but people gave it a good crack! Congratulations to all those who got Romanian correct!

As a reminder, all you need to do is correctly identify the language of each Bible. We will contact the winner via email.

Here are this week's photos:

Submit your answers for the competition

"How to Write an Essay" Workshop

On Wednesday, 6 April from 11-11.30am in Te Whare Oranga, Eugene and Anna will be holding a basic-level workshop entitled “How to write an essay."

There will be a light kai provided at the end. Please RSVP to the Library if you are attending in person so we know how many we need to cater for.

If you are not able to come onsite you can join us via Zoom (Meeting ID: 987 5541 7450)