CareyWeekly Newsletter Week 3

CareyWeekly Newsletter Week 3

by Student Communication -
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What are You Hoping for Today?

The beginning of term for me looked like isolating at home as my husband, and then I, got covid. As I went about cancelling my plans for the required isolation time, I felt the familiar feeling of disappointment that I’d come to associate with lockdowns. Only this time, the rest of the world would continue to go about their lives.

I’ve been reflecting on whether we need hope in order to flourish? When my usual source of things to look forward to are no longer available, short-term hope seems to evaporate.

Hope is a powerful emotion, first recognised in the wake of World War II when psychologists realised that, amidst terrible suffering, prisoners during the war were kept alive by hope. It makes intuitive sense–when we have something to look forward to, we are motivated to survive and thrive. We want to make the most of that experience or cherish that special moment. Maybe that’s why Paul repeatedly talks about Jesus Christ as our hope; the certain hope that spurs us onto good works, and in which we can boast... Now that is a hope that covid can’t take away!

What are you hoping for today? This semester didn’t start the way I was hoping it would, and maybe it hasn’t for you either. I found new, home-bound, activities that I could look forward to amongst zoom sessions, what about you? As for the bigger picture, let’s not lose sight of the hope we have in Jesus!

Rebecca Webb

Tuesday Chapel

Chapel is back this week on Tuesday, 29 March at 11.15 am.

Join us on Zoom as John Tucker interviews Lisa Woolley (Te Tumu Whakarae, CEO) from the Visionwest. Visionwest meets the needs of people impacted by isolation, poverty, and homelessness by providing wrap-around support with compassion and manaakitanga.

Meeting ID: 956 2360 7784


If you are worried about getting your assessments done in time and would like to request an extension, please contact Neroli Hollis, and complete an Application for Extension form.

10 Essentials for Assignments

Looking for help with referencing? How about completing assessments and writing essays? Using the Library?

You can find all this and heaps more in the 10 Essentials for Assignments. Seriously, this could change your life!

Community Lunch

Lunch next week is on Monday, 28 March. Don't forget to register for week 5's lunch on 4 April now.

Community lunch will continue to take place on Mondays at 12.15pm, and you'll need to register each week. We also encourage you to eat outside or remain in your class bubbles. 

You have until 10am Thursday, 31 March to register for week 5.
Register for Week 5 Lunch

Library Competition

Last week we launched the competition to identify languages of randomly-chosen Bibles from our display in the Library. The languages of the two Bibles from last week were:

  1. Urdu: an Indo-Aryan language spoken chiefly in South Asia. It is the national language and lingua franca of Pakistan
  2. Kokborok: native language of the Tripuri people of the Indian state of Tripura

As a reminder, all you need to do is correctly identify the language of each Bible. We will contact the winner via email.

Here are this week's photos:

Submit your answers for the competition

First Steps Requirement

All new students are required to complete the First Steps course on CareyOnline. If you need help or have any questions, contact the wonderful Library staff.

Library hours through week 6:
Monday through Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12.30pm