GMIM - 2 March 2009

GMIM - 2 March 2009

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Brian Krum writes...

Local Hero...About a week ago my wife, Denise, found herself in the middle of a police chase.

The tension, the frantic speed, people yelling to stop, people being pushed aside during the chase, huge commotion caused by a large group of people trying to catch one guy. My wife said it was just like all the women she had to compete against in trying to catch and bag me as a husband.

Ok... I said that. But I have self esteem issues.

What actually happened is that she was in Sylvia Park when all of a sudden a police helicopter was hovering right above the windows where she and a friend we’re sitting in the mall. Then a man ran past her a fast as he could, followed by six policemen, and a few brave “not paid enough for this” security guards.

As the suspect was gaining distance on the police, a man casually sauntered towards the suspect apparently oblivious to what was happening. Oblivious, that is, until that window shopper surprisingly tackled the man as he tried to run pass, holding him down until the police caught up. Denise tells me that all of the up-until-then-frozen people simply looked at him in disbelief. Then everyone started to recount to each other what they saw that man do, and how they felt watching him catch the suspect.

The very next day my wife and I had to run an errand in that same mall. We stopped at the Columbus Café for a coffee, when Denise pointed out that the same man that stopped the suspect was sitting in the café. She couldn’t help herself, and waved him over to our table, asked him to join us, and then told him how impressed she was about what he did, how brave he was, how hard the tackle looked, etc. (all while I tried to fit in stories about how I once saved a kitten in the tree, how much I could bench press when I was 18 years old, how I recycle now…but like I said, I have self esteem issues).

Here is what stuck out to me so much about our conversation with this local hero:

First of all, I was impressed that Denise took the time to encourage and thank that average, everyday guy for doing something out of the ordinary. He couldn’t help but be chuffed that an actually witness to his actions came up and talked to him, genuinely appreciated his efforts, and even bragged to others in that café on his behalf.

Secondly, I was impressed by why this local hero did what he did. It turns out that he owns the Columbus Café there in Sylvia Park. He simply said that if you are going to be a part of a community, you have to be willing to step up and make it a good place. Sometimes that means doing things you wouldn’t normally do if you thought about it too long.

Adding value to where you are…through encouragement and action. That is what I saw take place that morning. The knowledge and skills you acquire here at Carey are not just for presenting in essays and sermons. It is to be lived out…out there…encouraging, calling out the best, adding value and health and compassion and help and worth where ever you find yourself as a Christ-follower.

Apply this Bible stuff to real life – and give others stories of hope that lets them brag about what they see on Jesus’ behalf as well.



Community Worship 11:15am-12pm

“Summer Stories”

After Dinner Mints @ lunch

Andrew Becroft: Andrew is the Principal Youth Court Judge for NZ. He was instrumental in the establishment of the Mangere Community Law Centre and has worked as a solicitor in Auckland, Wanganui and is currently in Wellington. He is also president of Tertiary Students Christian Fellowship.


Carey Prayer in the Chapel


Praying for the college, community, country and people.

All welcome to join in.


Whatever your situation, we’re glad to have you join the Carey community in 2009. Our prayer is that this year will be a rewarding one for you wherever you’re based. If you’re a distance student, feel free to join us on site for a class or worship and lunch—we’d love to see you here.

Thank you to those who joined us at Carey on Friday night for the Orientation Dinner. It was a great evening with people gathered from all areas of the college and even beyond. A great way to kick off the year!


Dining Room/Chapel (card access only)

8:30am-9:30pm Monday - Thursday

8:30am-5:00pm Friday


Main entrance

8:30am-5pm is open access Mon—Fri.

No student access after 5pm.

Back entrance

8:30am-9:30pm Monday-Thursday

8:30am-5:00pm Friday


Fees for distance and onsite students are now due! Please ensure that these are paid as soon as possible.

The access card has your photo on it and is multi-purpose acting as your access, ID and library card. Please note: your fees need to be paid in full and we need your photo before you will receive this card.

Should you have any problems with your access card or if you lose it, please see Chris Lucas, situated off reception, or email her on


Please keep an eye on your valuables when you are onsite. Lockers are available in the library, where you can store laptops and bags during the day. Keys and sign-up available at reception. Please also avoid leaving valuables in your vehicles.


Welcome to the Library for 2009! In the unbiased opinion of the library staff the library is the most exciting place on campus.

Library orientations

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

1.30pm and 6.15pm

Come and have a quick overview of the resources and services available to you at the library. These sessions are timed to fit in just before your afternoon and evening lectures.

Library Hours

Monday-Thursday 8:30am6:30pm

Fridays 9:00am-5:00pm

Saturdays 10:00am-2:30pm


Are you a full time student and regularly use the bus, ferry or train to get to Carey or around the city? We have a number of MAXX ID stickers that go on your student ID card which will allow you up to 40% discount of the cost of public transport. Please see reception for this sticker!


As a non-residential college, we need your help to keep Carey clean and tidy. Over the next week or so, light duties will be assigned to students. There is a sign-up board in the dining room this week where you can put your name to a duty of your choice. Please do enjoy the site but we would simply ask that you keep tidy the area that you are using, clean up the kitchen after you’ve used it. Thank you!


On Tuesday mornings during teaching weeks and while Formation activities are underway, crèche is offered to those with children under 5 years.

9:30am - 1pm in the recreation room.


The Centre has been established to develop the resourcing that Carey can provide to people interested in the area of cross cultural mission. There are a range of resource materials on mission and various agencies that work in this field. Drop by and check it out.

Throughout the semester we will have different mission agencies join us onsite, over lunch and in the Centre room. This will be your opportunity to connect with them more. The Centre is located at the end of the main corridor opposite the Chinese Programme offices.


Access to the offices of Charles Hewlett, Karen Schilperoort, Sarah Beisly and to the Level One lecture room, is via the back stairs at the end of the admin corridor.

The main stairwell off reception is for access to the Baptist Resource Centre and tranzsend only. If for any reason, you need to meet with any of these staff, please check with reception first.


(including Internship Option)

Onsite students need to pick up your course notes from reception this week – you get two copies, one is for your supervisor (Distance students these will have been sent to you).

On Tuesday 3rd March at 1 pm and Friday 6th March at 1:30pm in the chapel, Jonathan Robinson will be available to explain the course and answer any questions. you can’t make either of these times and have questions, drop in and see Jonathan or email him at

Jonathan’s office is halfway down the main corridor opposite the lecture rooms.


Often people feel disoriented when they start study, especially if they haven't done study at tertiary level before. To help you with the process, Russell Thorp will run two one-hour sessions, one week apart, to help you study successfully. There will be topics like how to read an academic book, how to manage your studies, how to prepare for an assignment, how to write an essay etc.

The first session will occur next week on Monday 9th March at 1:30pm in Room 1 and will be repeated on Tuesday 10th March at 9am in the chapel.

The second session will occur one week later at the same times. Do come if you think the topics could be of help to you.


Many of us around Carey have already had some experience in cross-cultural mission, are considering moving in that direction, or have a passion for this aspect of what God is doing in the world. Does that include you? If so, I’d love to connect with you and see if there are ways in which we could support each other in the Carey part of the journey. Please get in touch. George Wieland (PH 526 6593 or, office two doors along from the dining room)

BURMESE CHRISTIAN GROUPS…. Auckland are holding another “Love Burma” Dinner. Loads of delicious food, cultural displays & ethnic dancing! There will be a short report from Dr Aung Mang of MEGST on cyclone relief and Christian witness as well. A fun and informative evening out.

Sunday 15 March 5pm-8pm at Laidlaw College. Cost $30. Do tell your friends, or why not make up a party! For more details, talk to Tim Bulkeley.


Free Coffee and Food!!

Monday 9th March

10:45am-11:30am in the dining room.

Good coffee, good food. Come interact with others over morning tea.


Tuesday 17 March 9:30am-1:00pm

A morning of sports and games and just hanging out getting to know others! Rounded off with lunch together.


Saturday 28 March

Auckland Baptist Tabernacle @ 4pm

Speaker: Paul Windsor

Come celebrate with those who have completed their qualifications.