CareyWeekly - Start of Semester

CareyWeekly - Start of Semester

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John Tucker welcomes new students to the 2022 academic year!

The 2022 Academic Year is Here!

It's been a long journey to get here, and the start is not exactly what we had hoped for with COVID-19 still impacting how we gather and learn together. But we are no less excited about what God is doing in our midst and await with eager expectation, the fruit of an amazing year!

Online Classes

As a reminder, the following classes are online-only for at least the first six weeks of semester (to be reviewed mid-semester):

Introduction to the New Testament (Monday 1.30pm)
Introduction to Pastoral Care (Tuesday 1.30pm)
Gospels: John (Tuesday 1.30pm)
Poverty Transformation and the Gospel (Tuesday 6.30pm)
Pentateuch (Wednesday 1.30pm, online all semester)

Operational Procedures While On Campus

You'll have received an email alerting you to changes to how we are operating on-campus under the Government's Red Traffic Light setting. Below is a brief recap of what you will need to know:

  • Sign-in: Scan the Covid Tracer QR code AND sign in at reception.
  • Vaccine Passes: You MUST present your pass when you arrive on campus for the first time.
  • Masks: Wear your mask indoors and in close proximity to others.
  • Class Bubbles: Please attempt to treat your class as a bubble.
  • ID Cards: Pick yours up from reception.
If you have any Covid symptoms, please DO NOT come to campus. 

Admin Support Drop-in Zoom Sessions

Do you need help with starting the semester, accession CareyOnline, questions about StudyLink or enrolment? Something else? Feel free to use our Admin Support Drop-in Zoom sessions to chat with Rob and Neroli about your questions.

Weeks 1 and 2 of the semester

Monday, 7 and 14 March from 1–1.30pm
Wednesday, 9 and 16 March from 4-4.30 pm
Meeting ID: 724 715 4484.

Community Lunch

For the time being, community lunch will take place on Mondays at 12.15pm, and you will need to register for a boxed lunch each week. We also encourage you to eat outside or remain in your class bubbles. 

Lunch for Week 1, Monday 7 March, is already arranged, but you can register now on the button below for lunch for Week 2 on 14 March. You have until 10am Thursday, 10 March to register.
Register for Week 2 Lunch

Chapel Series - Te Rongopai, the Good News


“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news”
(Isa 52:7-10; Rom 10:15b)

In an age of bad news and fake news, is there any good news?
What is it? Where do we find it?
How does it become real in our world, our neighbourhoods, our churches, our lives?
What does a good news community look like? 
What can we do when the gift of good news has been hidden in a packaging of bad news or fake news?

Our chapel gatherings have been modified for at least the first six weeks of the semester. They will continue to take place on Tuesday mornings at 11.15am and run for approximately 20 minutes with a mix of pre-recorded material and live content.

Join us on Zoom this Tuesday 8 March at 11.15am as John Tucker launches the new year and chapel theme.

Meeting ID: 956 2360 7784

Library News

All new students are required to complete the First Steps course on CareyOnline. If you need help or have any questions, contact the wonderful Library staff.

Library hours for the next six weeks:
Monday through Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12.30pm
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