Orientation Now FULLY ONLINE

Orientation Now FULLY ONLINE

by Student Communication -
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Kia ora koutou,

As the impact of Covid is felt across Aotearoa, we have had a mindful approach to how we manage the start of the semester at Carey. Taking every measure possible to ensure the safety of our staff and students we have sought to maximise our on-campus activities. It is both the student body's overall desire and the staff's as well, to be back in-person as soon as possible.

However, with much regret, we have made the decision to move orientation fully online tomorrow, 1 March. All students are encouraged to join us online from 9.30am for a modified orientation on the link below:

Meeting ID: 724 715 4484

For students in Ngā Pou Amorangi, Intermission, Pastoral Leadership, and Youth Pastoral Leadership, your programme leads will be in touch with details about any further changes that will affect you.

We continue to be committed to prayer for each of you and are available to support you where needed. Please be in touch with a staff member with any concerns.

Ngā mihi nui,

The Carey team