Covid-19 Update 17th August 2021

Covid-19 Update 17th August 2021

by Rob Ayres -
Number of replies: 0

Kia ora koutou

As you will all most likely be aware, Auckland (and the rest of NZ!) is moving to Covid Alert Level 4 at midnight Tuesday 17 August, meaning that our Carey campus will be closed. All classes from Wednesday 18 August will move fully online via Zoom. We are as disappointed as you no doubt are for this unexpected change, however we are confident that God has all of this in His hands! Please note the following changes and arrangements for what Carey activities will look like under Alert Level 4.


All important Covid-19 related student messages will be posted to the CareyOnline homepage. Please check this page regularly for the latest information – check your notification preferences (under your Preferences in your CareyOnline profile) if you would like (or would NOT like) these messages to be emailed to you.  Key information will also be sent to you via email.

Classes and teaching:

All classes will move fully online, and will be meeting online via Zoom. Download and install the Zoom App onto your phone or laptop. Classes will run at the scheduled time in the published timetable. Go to your CareyOnline courses – Course Information for the specific link to the Zoom classes.  All sessions will be recorded and uploaded into CareyOnline as normal. Contact your teacher if you have any questions.
Details on block course arrangements will be posted as soon as possible.

General Support and Technology help:

If you are having difficulty accessing your CareyOnline courses, trouble with Zoom or issues with access to a device, please get in touch with us so we can help. Feel free to contact your teaching team for questions about the course, or Neroli Hollis ( if you need any other support and we will link you up with the best people to help.
The Paihere student support team are also available to help: email Tanya Lameta ( Click here for support resources for CareyOnline or Zoom.


The library will be closed at Alert Level 4. If you have library access questions, please email during normal working hours. The team will respond to you.

Community Life:

We will post information about chapel and other community “events” that we may host online (or not) during lockdown. Check CareyOnline for updates on this.

Take care, stay connected and please reach out if you need any assistance or have any further questions. Ngā mihi nui.
Rob Ayres