S2 Week 3 @ Carey

S2 Week 3 @ Carey

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I have had opportunity in recent months to be powerfully reminded of the value of having trusted friends and allies to walk alongside you through life’s highs and lows – to see the body of Christ in action in a beautiful and humbling way. We are designed for relationship, and for community. It isn’t an original Taylor Swift thought that two is better than one – we see that clearly through scripture and in particular in Ecclesiastes (4:9-12). For me, having confidants alongside to listen, to encourage, to challenge, to laugh with, to cry with, and to pray with … this has been such a vital part of keeping things in perspective and keeping my eyes on Christ.

So I ask you – who are you travelling with in your study journey this year? Who are forming the other strands in your learning-journey rope? Can I encourage you to seek out others to partner with in your studies and to commit to walking alongside, to encourage, to talk through ideas together, to hold each other accountable (especially to getting those assessments in on time!! 😊).

Whether you are studying on campus, or are a regional student – find others to come alongside and partner with in this manner. A fellow student, a close friend, one of the student support team?! Let’s commit to looking out for one another – to loving each other – to praying for each other. Don’t try and do it alone!

Ēhara tāku toa i te toa takatahi, engari he toa takitini.
Our strength is not made from us alone, but made from many.

Rob Ayres
Academic Director

CHAPEL WORSHIP - Guest Speaker: Bronwyn Wood

Bronwyn is a senior lecturer in the School of Education at the University of Victoria in Wellington. She has a background in social science education (geography and social studies) and textbook, curriculum and resource development in this area. She researches in the fields of education policy, citizenship education, youth sociology, youth politics and geographies. She has been researching citizenship in Aotearoa New Zealand: Young people, belonging and changing times. She is the winner of a Marsden Fund Award for research into Transitions to University: Navigating Assessment practices and curriculum knowledge.

If you can't be physically present for chapel, don't forget we'll livestream this on the Carey Student Facebook Group. Get connected if you aren't already.


See you at 12.15pm on Monday and 12.00pm on Tuesday.


Let us remember our new and distance students at Carey this semester
 - as they find their way round their theological studies and settle into sustainable rhythms
 - our distance students who are never out of sight, out of mind but close to us. May God in his wisdom give them the stamina and time to fulfil their study timetables in the midst of often heavy workloads in their churches.  
 - we thank and praise our God for his awesome power and strength at work in all of our students, near and far in this preparation time study is. May we feast and meditate on the scriptures, deepen our love for Jesus, the Bible and the Church.  


  1. Are you familiar with the inquiry process? If you are not familiar check it out here. Do you fully understand the questions? Do you know how to research and find resources to support your thinking? How do you evaluate those sources and organise them? What do YOU think about those ideas? And how do you go about presenting them?
    If you want any help with understanding this process, why not talk to one of the student support team (Paihere Student Support, the Library team, our Peer Writers?)
    The 10 Essentials on CareyOnline is a resource designed to help you fully understand the inquiry process. Check it out BEFORE you start writing 😊
  2. Are you studying regionally this semester? We really encourage you to try and join the class live via the Zoom links. All classes are available via Zoom (check out CareyOnline for the appropriate class link) and allow you to participate in the class. If you haven’t yet joined a class using Zoom – why not give it a go this week?


Car stickers available at reception if you come and park your car here on campus   


ID cards are available from reception (or posted if a distance student) once fees have been paid and Public Trust form signed and returned 😊
Library hours starting from Monday 26th July 2021
Monday-Thursday 8:30am-6:30pm
Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Saturday 10:00am-12:30pm


$1.00 per book. Come and have a look, you never know what you will find.