"Kill me instead"
This week we saw a Christian woman kneeling on a street before armed police, begging them not to hurt protestors, but to treat them kindly like their family members. Over the previous week more than 100 people had already been killed in their attempts of peaceful and nonviolent protest. This woman told the police to kill her instead, offering her life over the young people she was sheltering in the clinic where she worked. Two weeks ago another woman did a similar thing. This is Myanmar – this is now.
These aren’t common contemporary images or words, and they have crossed my mind several times this week as they have settled uncomfortably upon me as I also ponder the season we are heading into: Holy Week and Easter.
May we be affected by our sisters in Myanmar. May we pray often this week for that country and people. May we look for ways to stand against injustice.
Mike Crudge
We have the pleasure of hearing from Paul Windsor in Chapel this week.
Paul is the International Director of Langham Preaching and a previous Principal of Carey.
He will also be teaching the Introduction to Preaching course in semester 2.
Just in case you weren't able to physically join us on Tuesday, here's some snapshots. Congrats to the Green Team for winning.....
Lunches are 'normal' this week:
Monday at 12.40pm
Tuesday 12noon straight after Chapel
Come and have some kai. Sit with someone new this week.
Jessica Watts is our undergraduate rep for distance students and Stephanie Chan is the rep for on-site students. Here's a bit more about them.
Kia Ora whanau.
Greetings to you all, my name is Jessica Watts, and it is an honour to introduce myself as the 2021 undergraduate academic rep for distance students. This is my second year at Carey; however, I am on the third and final year of my degree. I have the privilege of being one of the many distant students and am based in the beautiful Hawkes Bay where Village Baptist is my Church Whanau. I am involved as the ministry leader in our Messy Church ministry as well as helping to lead our intermediate aged youth group and being a part of our music team. I have a passion for helping and serving others and one day hope to be a Children’s Pastor.
When I am not busy studying or working, I enjoy time with friends and family, adventures in God’s beautiful creation, football, writing poetry, drumming, ukulele, and board games.
I am excited to be blessed with this opportunity to support those of you who are an undergraduate distance student. I can be as much or as little support as you would like. There is an amazing team of staff and lecturers who are here to help you as well, but we understand that sometimes talking to your peers is easier therefore our role as student reps is to be an in-between voice per say. So, if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback (both positive and negative) I would love to hear it. Equally if you would just like a friendly face to talk to let me know (email jrwatties@gmail.com or text 027 217 7529). We on the academic committee and SASS team are here for you. Your voice is important. You are important.
May the grace and peace of God be on you as you journey both study and life this year. Remember, you are not alone!
God Bless,
"Kia ora tātou!
Ko Steph toku ingoa. Nō Haina ōku tūpuna. Kei te noho au ki Tāmaki Makaurau. Ko Māngere Baptist toku whare karakia. I am in my final year of study at Carey and have loved the journey of learning, making friends, and being part of this wonderful community. So, I’m excited to be the undergrad academic rep this year and support all you on-site students! You can usually find me pottering around campus during the week so please feel welcome to say hi or have a chat about anything."
Do you want to use the coffee machine at Carey? Enjoy barista style coffee with Fair Trade coffee beans for only $25 a semester! Please see Lidy at Reception to pay this, and receive unlimited access for Semester One.
Graduation is coming up on 27th March - starting at 3pm. More details are here.
We need your help to make Graduation a wonderful celebration. Could you spare 2 - 3 hours on 27th March to help in the kitchen, ushering, or serving food?
Please text Kathryn if you can help out - 021 503 368.
With first assessments coming up soon, have you checked out the resources under the 10 Essentials on CareyOnline.
How to use the library, how to write an essay, how to reference, how to submit an assignment on CareyOnline…. It is all there! We highly recommend you read over these resources as you start to work on those first assignments!
Do you want some support with assignment writing? Do you know about our Peer Writing Assistants? We have a new Peer Writing Assistants (PWAs) team who have volunteered their time to work with students to help them with academic writing and academic literacy.
Talk to the library team or the PWA team if you want to know more about what a PWA can do for you! Thank you Rebecca Pullen, Susanna Denby, Grace Paddison and Jono Edmeades!
The team won’t write your assignment for you ?, but WILL help you with the process of writing and give you feedback on the overall structure of your work. If you would like help with your assessments, you are able to book time with one of our PWA team.
Appointments can be in-person on campus, or online (Zoom etc). For an appointment, please contact the library (NOT the PWA team) as below: For an extended one-to-one booking (30 minute or 60 minute options) email : library@carey.ac.nz and include:
- Your name and student ID number
- Identify which assessment you are focussing on (course, assessment outline)
- Identify if you want a 30 minute or 60 minute slot
Email the library with your preferred time and you will be given an appointment. Confirm your appointment time within 48 hours.
If you have questions, feel free to talk with any of the library team.
....that the library acquires around 1000 new books every year?
Check out the New Books display stand when you are onsite.
Have you activated your OpenAthens account? If you have issue, please email the librarians: library@carey.ac.nz
Library hours during semester time
Monday – Thursday 8:30am-6:30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12:30pm