Change to Bachelor of Applied Theology - Integrative Project 2018 onwards

Change to Bachelor of Applied Theology - Integrative Project 2018 onwards

by Neroli Hollis -
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Integrative Project Change


This is to advise you about a change to the Bachelor of Applied Theology requirements. Previously all students were required to complete an Integrative Project in their final year of the Bachelor’s programme. Academic Committee agreed to remove this course from the programme from 2018. Students must select an alternative Level 7 taught course, or, if they meet the academic requirements, complete a Level 7 Research Essay. Please note that the Transitional Provisions do apply:


Changes to the academic requirements for the award of any of the qualifications may be made from time to time.   All transitional provisions will ensure that requirements are applied on a case by case basis guided by the following principles:

  • No current student will be materially disadvantaged by changes to the Regulations and structure of the programmes of study.

  • Students will be able to complete their qualification under the Regulations in force at the time of first enrolment where course timetabling permits.


    If you wish to complete under the current regulations which include the compulsory Integrative Project please get in touch with the Academic Registrar.

    As part of the transition a meeting is being held next Tuesday 17th October 1pm in the Chapel with Myk Habets (and other lecturing staff) and Neroli Hollis (Academic Registrar)  where you can discuss this change and the implications it will have on your study.  

Neroli Hollis

Academic Registrar