GMIM - 30 April 2007

GMIM - 30 April 2007

by Deleted user -
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Karen Schilperoort  writes...

Beautiful One Tree Hill is very close to our home and I have just finished a walk there with a dear friend. I really appreciate her love, commitment to the Lord but most of all her friendship. I so value the opportunity to chat from the heart, knowing that all the deep things are cherished and safe in her keeping. What a treasure she is.

Over the past few months God has really been putting the spotlight on some of the ways I communicate, clearly revealing there is room for improvement and growth!  Firstly the need for friendship, and how important that is to weave into my life - I don't need myriads of friends, just one or two, to share my heart with.  In the Myers Briggs framework I know I am an 'I' and when the going gets tough, 'I's tend to get more introspective, and reflective! Part of my friendship journey this year is learning to reach out more readily to share at the beginning of the process rather than at the end - friends can help you become unstuck.

I am learning the importance of taking every opportunity to communicate with my hubby. Life in pastoral ministry is busy. There are many demands, especially on time.  I have therefore made the old Deep and Meaningfuls a priority. I don't want our marriage to be superficial or simply an email or text kind of love. Erik was speaking at a camp in Taupo over Easter and I loved being "stuck" in the car with him for six hours.  No distractions except for a really good catch up! This is a relationship of high importance!

On Thursday evenings I have the privilege of belonging to a support group for a friend who is undergoing radiation therapy for cancer. Last Thursday my friend shared with me that during the last few months of her illness one of the main things she has learnt is to slow down and invest in relationships. Prior to her illness she had been a busy gal, with fingers in lots of pies and she is learning what really matters is taking the time for people - I am learning to invest.

I have been learning to communicate better with my teenage daughter (as the year didn't start off the best).  I'm learning to ask better questions - no more interrogations! I have been letting go and only giving advice when I have permission to do so. I've seen the positive impact empowering questions can have in a relationship.

Being a true librarian I have a pile of books sitting on my bedside table. I have found these three really helpful over the past few weeks:

Campbell, Ross.  Parenting your adult child: How you can help them achieve their full potential (Northfield, 1999).

Mellar, Ken.  Teen stages: How to guide the journey to adulthood (Finch, 2004).

White, Jerry.  When your kids aren't kids anymore: parenting late-teen and adult children (Navpress, 1989).

*  And while I have the opportunity I'd like to communicate how much I appreciate the Carey community and how graciously you've welcomed me.  Thank you so much!


Community Worship



Reflection and worship facilitated by George Wieland




Community Worship



Earthing Life... (II)

Charles Hewlett


Facilitated by

Sarah Beisly and Mark Powell


After Dinner Mints

Maria Lethbridge


Born in the Netherlands, Maria was 10 years old when World War II began. For five years she lived with the atrocities and disruptions of war before leaving the country as a teenager. Maria is a committed member and regular attendee of Mt Roskill Baptist Church.





9:00-9:25am - chapel

Praying for the college, community & country


Community Worship



Worship for the whole community - creative, visual reflection.

Semester 1


For students enrolled in Christian Spirituality I in Semester Two, the required text will be Adele Ahlberg Calhoun, Spiritual Disciplines Handbook (IVP, 2005). As each student will need to have their own copy, please use your initiative to track down your own copy over these next few weeks. Church Stores and Manna Bookshops have been alerted to this need.


Admin area toilets...the renovation of these toilets are now complete - much better than before!

Office changes...As part of the changes that come with the Baptist Union and tranzsend joining us on-site later in the year, there will also be some staff office changes for Carey. We'll fill you in as these take place. So, first up... Brian Krum and Laurie Guy have switched places - Brian is now located outside Room 2 and Laurie beside the staff room off the reception area. work on the renovation of Level One increases, there will be a number of tradesmen onsite each day. From this week, please do not park in the yellow spaces alongside the building and next to the reserve area, as this will be needed for the workers. Please also take care as you drive past that area as there will be people coming and going and trucks being unloaded regularly.


"Celebrating Service: loving and serving our neighbour" by John and Agnes Sturt (past missionaries in PNG and now involved in counselling and spiritual direction). This is a look at the principle of service, using the Bible as their model and contrasting the Christian value system with that of the world.

Cost - $5 each available from reception ($7 if you would like this posted to you).


Just a reminder...If the emergency siren sounds, please calmly make your way to the student carpark area. The wardens (Anne Harrison, Neroli Hodges, Lesley Utting and Liz Tisdall) will clear each of the areas on site and only at that point will they release you. Please do not leave before you are cleared to do so even if the siren has stopped sounding.


Thursdays 1-2pm in the dining room.

Each week a small group of theology buffs meet to drink coffee, discuss theology, and worship God with our minds. Feel free to join us. Myk


"Seeing with New Eyes: Discovering how God is opening the eyes of women in NZ"

Saturday 12 May; 3:00pm-9:30pm

Carey Baptist College

Cost $20 each


Fashion Parade with a Biblical Twist; International Bazaar; Celebration Dinner

Hear from a number of women of all ages


Please contact Rachel to register (by Wednesday evening - this week!).



Carey has recently been given a sizeable donation which will be used for capital development. However we would be keen for your input as we make a decision on how this should best be allocated. If you're interested in taking part in this discussion, please meet in the chapel on Wednesday 2 May at 1pm.  If you cannot make this session, feel free to contact Graeme Smith if you have suggestions (ph 526 6594 or email


We were planning to have a retreat the weekend of 4-6 May however this has been cancelled for the moment and will be looked at again later in the year. In the meantime, let's have brunch!

Saturday 5 May; 9:30am

Kings Plant Barn, Orakei

Cost - whatever you wish

See Rachel if you plan on coming.


CONGRATUALTIONS! Ben Wakefield and Tracey Millar on their engagement. Ben is the current student convenor and Tracey had this role two years ago (she is currently the youth pastor at Eastgate Christian Centre).



There are a few of these on Carey's website if you're interested. Link is on the home page