
Accessing your marked asignments

Accessing your marked asignments

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With our change to using Turnitin as part of the assessment submission process this semester, we're finding that some students are experiencing difficulties in locating their marked assignments through Moodle.

Here's some brief instructions, which I hope will help you:

1. On the Moodle course page click on 'Grades'
2. Click on the name of the (marked) assessment item (in blue)
3. Click on the "My Submissions" Tab, for details of your submissions
4. At the left hand end of the page, directly underneath the word "Submission" Click on the (blue script) title of your assignment.

There will be a slight delay while you are connected to Turnitin.

You should now see your assignment on the screen. Now:

5. Click on "Grademark" (top left).

You should now see your marked assignment, with all comments included.
From here you can:

6. Click on Print or Download (bottom left of screen) . This enables you to save or print your assignment with the lecturer feedback.