GMIM 17 October

GMIM 17 October

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Charles Hewlett writes…

Thursday evening, October 20, is a special night in the Carey calendar. It is sENDing and is held in Lecture Rooms 1 and 2 from 7pm-8:30pm. Today I would like to give you a special invitation to attend and to let you know we would love to see you there. It would so great to have all the Carey community together!

sENDing is an evening when we celebrate the end of another academic year at Carey. Most years about 200 people turn up and we do the following:

· As Principal I acknowledge staff who have reached being at Carey for 5 years or 10 years…or even 20 years!

· The student convener and other Carey friends are thanked for their work throughout the year

· Pastoral Leadership Students and Youth Ministry Leadership students are awarded their Diplomas in Pastoral Leadership

· We watch a student produced DVD in which they talk about highlights from their Carey study

· John Tucker (Director of Ministry Training) and Brian Krum (Director of Youth Ministry Training) present their “2011 Top Ten”

· Awards are given to the best supporting church, to the supervisor/mentor who has been outstanding, to the PL student who has developed the most, and to the outstanding preacher

· Guest speaker Murray Robertson (former senior pastor of Spreydon Baptist Church and now Director of The Leadership Network) will bring a message to us.

· We will thank God for his faithfulness to us as a College

· And there will be plenty of singing and prayer as we celebrate with our Pastoral Leadership students as they head out to ministry and mission

· Oh, it keeps getting better; there is an amazing supper provided free of charge!

It has been another good year at Carey Baptist College and if you are in Auckland this week please be encouraged to come along and celebrate with us.

It is hard to believe this is the last week of classes for 2011! You are all in my prayers – may God give you discipline to finish all those assignments off, and may he give you a good opportunity to rest and recharge the batteries over summer.

May God continue to bless you



Community Worship 11:15am-12noon

Final Communion Facilitated by the final year PLs

After Dinner Mints@ lunch

The Hon. Phil Goff is the leader of the Opposition, and the Labour Party of NZ and a longstanding Member of Parliament for Mt Roskill. He has served in a variety of porfolios in the fifth Labour Government most notably Foreign Affairs and trade.


Prayer for our Nation

Prayer for our 12:40-1:00pm

Come and join us as we pray Christ into our Nation. We will be praying for the upcoming Elections.


20 October sENDing

25 October Kiwi Made Preaching

Summer 2012 Catalyst Summer Conference


Is being used on Wednesday 26th October for an exam. There will be a sign on the closed doors of the rec room. Please do not enter.


Calling all students – please ensure you complete an evaluation for each course you are enrolled in for semester two. Thanks


The sick bay has been provided as a place of quiet when staff and students are unwell. If you are using the facility, please would you kindly remake the bed after use and leave the room tidy.


Is being used on Wednesday 26th October for an exam. There will be a sign on the closed doors of the rec room. Please do not enter.


For students who are interested in signing up for this, please register at The cost for Carey students is $30 for the whole day.

GRADUATION 2012…from the Academic Registrar

To all students intending to complete a Carey qualification this year – please remember to get the Graduation 2012 form from either reception or email Neroli for it. ( In order to graduate you need to complete this form in full whether or not you attend the ceremony.

The event itself will be held at the Manukau City Baptist Church on Saturday 24 March 2012.

TSCF Catalyst Summer Conference 2012

7-14 January

TSCF's ministry to young professionals, workers and graduates, Catalyst is bringing a team of five to New Zealand from the internationally respected Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York, which is led by Dr Timothy Keller. The team are some of the leading thinkers and practioners globally helping (younger) professionals apply the gospel to all of life. (Details below)

Over seven full days we’ll be exploring the four key turning points of scripture together: The Creation, Fall, The Cross and New Creation. We’ll be spending significant time getting a better vision of God’s work in and through our work. We’ll be taking the time to learn and practice spiritual disciplines to enrich and enable our relationship with God in our personal and professional lives. We’ll be wrestling with how we can see the gospel embodied and expressed throughout our professions and in wider New Zealand society. It’s going to be a fantastic week of fun, friendship and good food.

All the Summer Conference details are on the website, and more information is in the attached brochure.

The cost $399 for hotel style accommodation or $329 for tenting. Places are limited, so we would appreciate people's registration by 30th November.

Payment of the registration fee confirms their place.


We’re keen to offer faithful, daily prayer for students, lecturers and friends/family – please email your requests to or anonymously in Nigel Irwin’s pigeon hole if you wish. And if you’d like to join the prayer-chain, let me (Nigel) know. James 5:16, Phil 4:6