GMIM 12 September 2011

GMIM 12 September 2011

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Shireen Chua writes…

Welcome back to the last half semester of 2011! Time has flown… This weekend has been a significant one – marking the start of all things rugby in New Zealand with the Rugby World Cup!

During the year, I’ve watched as the preparations for this major international event took place. Many of the streets in Auckland (particularly enroute from the Airport to the city) have been tidied up, renovations of Eden Park completed, new restaurants and bars have popped up in Wynyard Quarter and of course not forgetting the All Blacks news – selection or dropping of players, performance ratings of each game, and the big question – will we or won’t we?. It has been a wonderful weekend to celebrate how an international competition has brought the nation together – and even at church yesterday, my 4 year old friend Lucas was proudly wearing his All Black shirt.

So, for the next month – much of our attention will be focused on how each team is going, and also how each member of the All Blacks in performing. We’ll start to talk about potential semi-finalists or finalists! In some sense, this is the moment! This is the month we’ve all been looking forward to – for the great rugby to be played… and dare we even dream of it – to win the 2011 World Cup!

As you are glued to the rugby coverage or discussion, I wonder if you will reflect back over the past 4 years, to reflect over how each of the players has grown through their hard work, learning to work together as a team not just in their own skills, but also on being a team in order to achieve their goal! Those thousands of hours of training... getting to know each others strengths and weaknesses, strategizing,and getting ready for this competition!

I’ve just spent the week in Sydney as part of Project Timothy, focusing on teams and teamwork. We spent a lot of time reflecting on teams,teamwork, characteristics of team, team building, stages of team development,personality types, building multicultural teams, conflict and conflict resolution.

Two things struck me over the course of the past week– teams are made of groups of people who relate to each other. We are made for relationship, and working and studying together is a great way to build and deepen relationships. Also, just like the All Blacks, you are studying here at Carey to train and grow for the competition that we know as life and ministry here on earth. In teams, our strengths are used, and our weaknesses are shared as we look to acommon vision. Trust and communication are essential, and love, Christ’s love is critical in our teams.

As you begin the last half semester here are Carey, look around you at your relationships. Some will be in the same team or ministry track as you, others gearing up for a totally different arena of ministry. Learn from each other…. And grow in trust, love and grace - even in those character development days and stressful moments! They make the journey deeper and richer! Just as there will be a World Cup final, we will also face a World Cup final, where all that we have learned, but also allthat we have become will be put to the test!

Enjoy the great sport in the coming weeks…. But don’t forget those assignments!

Have a great week!


Community Worship 11:15am-12noon

Facilitated by Youth Pastor Students

The Power of the Gospel

After Dinner Mints @ lunch

Blue Bradley isa recent graduate of Carey Baptist College. Over the past 4 years, he has been involved in the development of a missional community in the heart of Auckland, Kingsland. He is the Director of the Easter Camp at Mystery Creek and is the co-pastor of Mosaic, Auckland. Blue is passionate about discipling people into new ways of doing mission.


Prayer for our Nation

Prayer for our 12:40-1:00pm

There won’t be Wednesday prayers this week


25 October Kiwi Made Preaching


For all students partaking in the Integrative Seminar. Your venue, is the chapel14, 15 and 16th September.


There are two further Open Tuesdays for 2011. If you are aware of anyone that may be interested in study in 2012 in any of the programmes, please encourage them to come to this. Neroli has full details of the day and she will take registrations. or 0800 773 776.

27 September and 11 October;8:45am-3pm


The academic regulations relating to the late submission of assessment items will change next year. From the start of semester 1 2012:

1. all assessment work submitted after the due date, and up to one week late, will incur an academic penalty of a 10% reduction in marks (normally this will be equivalent to two grade steps –eg an A reducing to a B+, or a B+ reducing to a B- etc) ;

2. all assessment work submitted more than one week after the due date will be marked, but will not be graded, and will receive only a “Pass” or “Fail” result

Except that for final course assessments the latest date for submission will be the last day of each semester ( no longer one week after the end of semester). Consequently no assessment work will be marked if it is submitted after this date,unless the student has previously been granted an extension.

Any questions? Please contact Peter Hart, Dean of Studies


We’re keen to offer faithful, daily prayer for students, lecturers and friends/family– please email your requests to or anonymously in Nigel Irwin’s pigeon hole if you wish. And if you’d like to join the prayer-chain, let me (Nigel) know. James 5:16, Phil 4:6