GMIM 30 May 2011

GMIM 30 May 2011

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Peter Hart writes...

Good morning! Yes…it’s Monday yet again. Another Carey week gets under way.

For some reason, Monday doesn’t make people generally as excited as, say Friday or Saturday. I guess that the main reason for this would be that it marks the start of the traditional working week. When I was growing up, it was also ‘washing day’ (in the days before automatic washing machines when every day can be a ‘washing day’). As I remember it from childhood, it generally rained on Mondays, too.

We talk about having ‘that Monday morning feeling’.

On the subject of Monday, Wikipedia notes: “A number of songs feature Monday, often as a day of depression, anxiety, or melancholy. For example, "Monday, Monday" (1966) from the Mamas & the Papas, "Rainy Days and Mondays" (1971) from the Carpenters, "I Don't Like Mondays" (1979) from the Boomtown Rats, and "Manic Monday" (1986) from the Bangles.”

Even more depressing, too, to read, is that Monday is the most common day to call in sick, or to commit suicide.

Yet, for many pastors and church leaders, Monday is their ‘day off’ each week.

Hmmm…so, for you… is Monday a ‘bad’ day…or is it just another day?

Whatever the case, the Morning Prayer that follows is good to pray every day of the week. Why not make it your prayer for this Monday ? How about taking a few moments right now to shut out of your mind all the ‘stuff’ that’s bugging you, and pray this prayer thoughtfully, and use it as a springboard for some conversation with God about your day, and the week ahead.

God of my life, I welcome this new day.
It is your gift to me, a new creation, a promise of resurrection.
I thank you for the grace of being alive this morning.
I thank you for the sleep that has refreshed me.
I thank you for this chance to make a new beginning.
This day Lord is full of promise and opportunity; let me waste none of it.
This day is full of mystery and the unknown; help me to face it without fear or anxiety.
This day is blessed with beauty and adventure: make me fully alive to it all.
During this day keep me thoughtful, prayerful and kind.
May I be courteous and helpful to others, and not turned in on myself.
Keep me from any word that would hurt, or belittle, or destroy; and may the thoughts of my mind be pleasing in your sight.
When night comes again, may I look back on this day with no grievance or bitterness in my heart; and may nobody be unhappy because of anything I have done or anything I have failed to do.
Lord, bless this day for me and for everyone.
Make it a day in which we grow to have the mind of Christ, your Son.
Lord Jesus Christ, friend and brother, may we know you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly, day by day. Amen.

Have a God inspired week!

30 May 2011 Semester 1

Community Worship 11:15am-12pm
Facilitated by Julie Osborn and Shelley West
Speaker: Sam Schumann Phil 2:12-18

After Dinner Mints @ lunch

Mayor Len Brown is the first Mayor of the Auckland Council. He studied arts and law at Auckland University before joining the Auckland law firm Wynyard Wood, where he became a partner. He also co-founded the Howick Free Legal Service. Mayor Brown entered politics in 1992 as a Manukau City Councilor.


Prayer for our hurting world

Come and join us as we intercede for our hurting world over the next 6 weeks.

June 1 The Persecuted Church
June 8 The Displaced


16 June Church and Environment Day
Book Launch at Carey-Laidlaw Graduate School

25 June Children of Divorced and the Promise of Despair Course

PRAYER for our Hurting World
We begin a series of interceding for our hurting world. Come along on Wednesdays at 12.40 at the Chapel as we pray together. All are welcome!


Thank you to the students who have volunteered to do dishes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to replace students not turning up. You are appreciated for your servant hearts. If you are on a rostered duty please can you ensure you are acting responsibly. This assists the community very much.
For Tuesday and Wednesday dishes this week, the following students need to be in the kitchen as soon as possible after lunch. Thank you.

Mike Renner
Shane Jarvis
Andrew Cox
Simon Newbould
Sherman Huang

Matt Gordon
Hannah McClean
Anthony Hokai
Phillip Tavai
Blessed Sola

Christian Ethics course MB 641: This course was set down to be taught by Mick Duncan. Since this arrangement was made Mick has moved from part-time to adjunct lecturer at Carey and begun a pastorate at Manurewa. He has indicated that work pressures will prevent him lecturing this course in 2011. However, the course will still go ahead. Myk Habets, who taught this course previously, has stepped into the gap and will be lecturer for this course in the second semester. Laurie Guy

An exciting development and important notice from Phil Halstead for all students enrolled in Semester Two's MB630 Understanding and Interrogating Culture: I am pleased to be able to inform you that the important and stimulating Maori component of the Understanding & Interrogating Course will be held as a block course on Friday evening the 5th of August (6:30-9:30pm) and Saturday the 6th of August (9:30am to 4:30pm). This new format will enable students to experience Maori Culture in a deeper fashion than spreading the input over three consecutive weeks. It will also enable a number of distant students to attend the block course. For further information, please contact Phil at

This one day training course with Dr Andrew Root, Associate Professor of Youth and Family Ministry at Luther Seminary, St Paul’s, USA, is on Saturday 25 June from 9.00 am – 4.00 pm, here at Carey Baptist College.

The course explores the impact of divorce on young people and how we can journey alongside them, especially as youth leaders. Promise of despair explores the hope that the church has to offer those who are struggling with death and despair in their many forms, from broken relationships to lost jobs to the seeming lack of meaning in contemporary culture.

Check out in order to register


You are warmly invited to the Laidlaw Carey Graduate School launch of our new book.

“THE GOSPEL AND THE LAND OF PROMISE”..... Edited by Tim Bulkeley, Tim Meadowcroft, Philip Church, and Peter Walker.

WHEN...THURSDAY 16th June 7.00pm in the
WHERE...Deane memorial Library at Laidlaw College 80 Central Park Drive Henderson.
There will be light refreshments.
Please RSVP by 10 June to Rebecca Little Phone 837 9791
(Please see the notice on the pin board at Carey Baptist College (in hallway)

Library access on Saturdays
Swipe card required for Saturdays in order to enter the library. Please knock if you are unable to enter.

Late nights
The library will be open until 8pm on the following days:
Tuesday 7 June
Wednesday 8 June
Thursday 9 June
Monday 13 June
Tuesday 14 June
Wednesday 15 June

Reenrolment for returning students needs to be completed by Wednesday 22 June (you can however change your enrolment up until 18th July without incurring any $$ penalty).

please complete and return your Course Evaluation Forms which should be in your course notes to Neroli (Academic Registrar) by the end of semester one – Friday 24th June.

We’re keen to offer faithful, daily prayer for students, lecturers and friends/family – please email your requests to or anonymously in Nigel Irwin’s pigeon hole if you wish. And if you’d like to join the prayer-chain, let me (Nigel) know. James 5:16, Phil 4:6