GMIM 16 May

GMIM 16 May

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Karen Schilperoort writes...
Happy Monday morning!!
It’s the start of a new week. For many of us it is the end of a busy weekend. Mine was a busy weekend at a three day retreat. I am exploring Spiritual director training and a requirement of the course is to do the Enneagram. Three days of indepth teaching and observing the 9 personality types.... haha, yep pretty well worked out some of my personality traits!!! Some to treasure and some I would rather not be acquainted with at all! The Enneagram has been a great tool of self awareness for me and a very important reminder that we are all so uniquely different in the way we are wired. Some personalities grate on us, we just don’t understand them, or we feel so sorry for the way the way they communicate, but they are exactly who God created them to be. I don’t have to ‘fix’ or try and ‘change’ anyone.
I loved the time out. It was a great reminder to weave in regular retreat times. Retreats are refreshing. They help clear muddy water. They help nurture our ‘roots’. There are some beautiful retreat places in Auckland. I enjoyed the gardens at the Mercy retreat centre in Epsom.
For those with busy weekends in ministry, I hope you can stop sometime today and reflect on these self care strategies.
  • What in your life brings nourishment?
  • Taking time to be attuned to your own needs, emotions and resources
  • Taking time for connection with others and God
  • Finding someone to talk to if there are blocks or difficulties in connecting with God or others (Sarah Penwarden & David Crawley)

16 May 2011 Semester 1

Community Worship 11:15am-12pm
Facilitated by Nigel Irwin and Nathan Gilchrist
Speaker: Myk Habets Phil 2:1-11

After Dinner Mints @ lunch

Derek McCormack: has been the Vice Chancellor of AUT since 2004. Derek is focussed on building and enhancing AUT's contribution as a university and in particular is committed to quality teaching and real world learning in an environment that encourages innovation and creativity.


Prayer for our hurting world

Come and join us as we intercede for our hurting world over the next 6 weeks.

May 18 War
May 25 Mission Week
June 1 The Persecuted Church
June 8 The Displaced

We prayed for our Hurting World last week - with an emphasis on HIV/AIDS. On Friday in the NZ Herald there was a significant article "Early Treatment can stop HIV transmission".

Conversations around Love Wins, Rob Bell’s latest book
May 19 @ 7pm

Missions Week
23 -27 May

PRAYER for our Hurting World
We begin a series of interceding for our hurting world. Come along on Wednesdays at 12.40 at the Chapel as we pray together. All are welcome!

In association with Auckland Baptist Women’s Ministries & NZ Baptist Women’s Ministries.This is happening on the 28 May 2011 at 3pm. $25 per person (including Dinner)
Northcote Baptist Church 67 Eban Avenue. Highlights include Amelia Gavidi, President of Fijian Baptist Women, Lyn Campbell, Julie Belding, Ruby Duncan
Email: or

Have you completed at least one semester? Then complete the following survey. Be honest and critical.
The first fifty completed surveys will receive a $30 gift voucher.

Christian Ethics course MB 641: This course was set down to be taught by Mick Duncan. Since this arrangement was made Mick has moved from part-time to adjunct lecturer at Carey and begun a pastorate at Manurewa. He has indicated that work pressures will prevent him lecturing this course in 2011. However, the course will still go ahead. Myk Habets, who taught this course previously, has stepped into the gap and will be lecturer for this course in the second semester. Laurie Guy

We’re keen to offer faithful, daily prayer for students, lecturers and friends/family – please email your requests to or anonymously in Nigel Irwin’s pigeon hole if you wish. And if you’d like to join the prayer-chain, let me (Nigel) know. James 5:16, Phil 4:6