
GMIM - 19 July 2010

GMIM - 19 July 2010

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Neroli Hollis writes...

“I do a spot of Open Home visiting. You see them advertised and you think yes we will go and have a look at that one; or I just want to be plain nosey and see what is behind that house I’ve driven or walked past often. So off we trundle to view at the given time and do the usual - shoes off and fill in the agent’s form and then off we go to look and explore. It starts off as being interesting and then it gets a bit repetitive and depressing when you find that it is not quite as it looked or when what you might like is $$$$ more than what you want to spend!

Now when you sell your home I believe a lot of it seems to be based on looks and presentation (and of course location location). If it all looks like it’s new, modern or freshly renovated then it will sell. A place that has a tired looking interior will not unless it has other adorning features like it is across the road from Eden Park or Carey Baptist College! And so all the interior home make up artists come in – furniture is rented and places look more like show homes or pictures out of House and Garden than homes that people actually live in (perhaps as a sideline I could provide fresh baking for Open Homes, to go along with the rented furniture!) and after a while you keep seeing the same inside of a house as you saw in last week’s Open Home. Originality seems to go out the door!

Occasionally I get up the courage and open the cupboards and yes nothing – because of course the bits outside the cupboard are more important than what is in them!! And with the empty cupboards comes the empty home sense for me – give it some life – some flour and icing sugar - some messy drawer!

A lot of houses look good from the outside and even in the carefully arranged insides, but beneath the roof or inside the cupboard you get to see that it is just a shell and there is not much to it. Life is missing – with all its real beauty, mess and colour.

Presentation and beauty are good things (and do seem often to work in the world of selling) but in a real world truth is what lasts and hopefully that is what you are here at Carey to visit and explore. As you enter or re-enter the world of study here at Carey this semester, may you learn and study in truth and may it be shaping how you look, and are, inside and out – just in case someone opens you up and needs to see what is really behind your front cupboard door!”


Community Worship 11:15am-12noon

Facilitated by Youth Pastor students

Speaker: Brian Krum

Matthew 5:15

After Dinner Mints @ lunch

Stephen Proctor: Although on the road a lot, Stephen is based in Nashville in the USA and has a passion for "visual worship". He is the co-founder of Grateful Inconvenience Inc. - a creative design and production company that focuses on live environmental design, film production & visual media.


Carey Prayer in the Chapel


Praying for the college, community, country and people. All welcome!


Māori Language Week!

26-30 July

Using Te Reo as part of everyday activities.

Art Week! 2-6 August

An opportunity to display your own creativity around the college and theme the usual activities around art.


Wherever you may be based, whether full or part time, welcome back to Carey or welcome for the very first time. May this be a rewarding semester!

For any new onsite students, there will be an opportunity for a mini orientation session on Tuesday 20 July, in the dining room from 5-6:30pm. Pizza provided for a light dinner.


  • A reminder that fees were due on 8th July so if you have not paid these please do so ASAP – a late fee applies after 2nd August.
  • You can change your enrolment over the next two weeks BUT a $50 change of enrolment fee applies (unless you are just changing from level 6 to level 7 or vice versa!)
  • The access card has your photo on it and is multi-purpose, acting as your access, ID and library card. Please note: your fees need to be paid in full and we need your photo before you will receive this card. Onsite students – this card will be put into your pigeon hole when it is ready.Should you have any problems with your access card or if you lose it, please see Chris Lucas, situated off reception, or email her on


Monday 19 July; 10:45am-11:15am in the dining room.

Come interact with others over morning tea.


A porch over the entrance is still under construction. Please DO NOT use this entrance for the rest of this week, but for all classes please enter and exit the building through the main doors. We apologise for the inconvenience.


Dining Room/Chapel (card access only)

8:30am-9:30pm Monday - Thursday

8:30am-5:00pm Friday

Lecture/Admin building

Main entrance

8:30am-5pm (open access) Monday - Friday

No student access after 5pm so all evening class access is via the back entrance.

Back entrance

8:30am-9:30pm Monday-Thursday

8:30am-5:00pm Friday

Library Hours

8:30am—6:30pm Monday-Thursday

9:00am-5:00pm Friday

10:00am-2:30pm Saturdays


Please keep an eye on your valuables when onsite. Shared lockers are available in the library, where you can store laptops and bags during the day for a cost of $10/year. Keys/sign-up available at reception. Please avoid leaving valuables in your vehicles.


We need your assistance in ensuring the college stays clean and tidy so throughout this week there will sign up sheets on the whiteboard in the dining room to which onsite students can add your name against a duty of your choice. If we do not have enough volunteers we will need to assign names at the end of the week.


These are located down the main corridor in alphabetical order of surname for on-site students. If your name is not there please see Lidy at reception. NB: Returning students, yours may have moved from its Semester One location! Please also note that pigeon holes should be used only for Carey-related notices and communication with each other.

If you have a notice regarding an event, accommodation or job vacancy please pass this by reception before it goes on a noticeboard.


Some comings and goings throughout this semester...Tim Bulkeley is back on board in Semester Two after his sabbatical in the first half of the year...Laurie Guy is on sabbatical leave this semester. You will probably still see him around quite a bit as he is still maintaining his role as vice-principal (academic) during this time. However, he will be away September-October, teaching courses at the postgraduate seminary SAIACS in Bangalore and at the Nepal Baptist Bible College in Kathmandu (and sneaking in a bit of tramping on the side!)...Rachel Murray will be leaving Carey to take up a role as Manager of Mobilising and Support Services with the NZ Baptist Missionary Society - finish date is yet to be determined.


During this week, Māori will be a little more prominent around the college as we recognise this week. We encourage you to incorporate Māori into your days quite intentionally.

As part of this week Hinemaia Tofi (Administration Assistant – Baptist Māori Ministries), is willing to offer some basics of Te Reo with pronunciation and phrases. If you are interested in being part of this, please add your name to the sign up sheet in the noticeboard outside the chapel or see Rachel by Monday 26 July.

This class will take place on Tuesday 27 July from 1-1:45pm in Room 2.

ART WEEK – 2-6 August 2010

An annual event when we can celebrate our own creativity.

Create a piece of art to display or bring in something you already have ... photography, painting, sculpture, etching, name it, there are plenty of options.

Plus... worship focused around this theme, a guest artist to talk about his work, some other activities—and lots of time to ooh and aah at the talent of others.

Please bring your creation to Rachel’s office (off reception) with your name and the title of the work (if applicable) by midday Friday 30 July. We’ll have it ready for display around the college for Monday 2nd August.


If you would be keen to talk with someone with regards to study skills and approaching tertiary level study, please feel free to connect directly with the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Russell Thorp. (; ph 09 526 6595 or see him in his office off reception).


27-30 September

“For the last 17 years in Te Aroha we have run a four day Day-Camp out on a farm for 220 children age 8 to 12 years. We also have about 50 teenage helpers and 22 adult helpers. Each morning and afternoon we have tent time where they have singing and skits and a Christian message. The message is about 20 minutes - to be delivered in an engaging way. We need someone to help us deliver this message!
We can provide accommodation and they will be paid for the four days.”
Please contact Peter Kampenhout if you are interested in this opportunity. Ph: 07 8844 505/Mob: 0274 883 947 or email: