GMIM - 27 July 2009

GMIM - 27 July 2009

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Neroli Hollis writes...

Isn’t it interesting how we are all so different – some of us are interested in figures, some want to know how things work and others of us are just happy that they work. Here at Carey some will really love theology, others of you will lap up the biblical courses and yet others of you will thrive under mission and ministry options.

I’m one of those folk who drive a car and as long as it starts when I want to use it and it goes when I want to travel in it I am quite happy. It doesn’t have to be a particular make or model as long as it goes I’m fine. I can check the oil, pump up the tyres, put petrol in and know where the battery is kept and at a push I could change a tyre. I have been quite happy to be in a car and drive it seeing the speedometer go around and not caring at all how that all works or even what it looks like behind the dash!

I’ve met someone who is different to me. He likes to see what makes a car go—what all the different models and makes are like and understand the design and intricacies of all of that. Someone who can take the speedo etc. out and fiddle with all the “behind the dash” scenes….and even make it work!

People who meet me will soon discover that the kitchen and flour and butter and cocoa and recipe books are close to my heart. I enjoy taking those things and creating something that will be enjoyed by others (and me!).

Here at Carey we are all different. Some of us are good at lecturing on Theology, Bible, Mission and Ministry (Laurie….Myk ….John…..George….Tim…. Brian….Mick....Phil…Joe...Russell), others of us can tell you all about Holland (and speak Dutch!) – Lidy is your one for that, and yet others think they know about the mind of a dog (see Liz in the library for that one!).

My interest in food and cooking has opened up that world for others (as it once did for me) and now I know more about cars and what makes them actually go than I did before. Hopefully at Carey your time will be one that you will discover more about God and his Word and World and then go and help others discover more.

Difference is great – it has helped broaden my world and understanding and I trust it does for you. Take time to find and share in the different things that each of us brings. It helps make our world at Carey and in the community beyond.

I’m still happy for my husband of 254 days to know all about fixing cars while I whip up a date and orange scone or chocolate cake or biscuits - ah difference – it’s what keeps shaping and expanding my world!


Community Worship 11:15am-12pm

Gospel Then & Now

Ephesians 2:11-22 – Laurie Guy

Facilitated by David Bosma and Kevin Robertson

After Dinner Mints @ lunch

Martyn Norrie: Martyn is the vice-chair of the Carey Board and teaches ‘Marketplace Leadership’. He is the CEO of Cunningham Lindsey NZ which deals with loss adjustment and claims management. He also serves as the chair of the Parachute Trust and has had significant involvement in church leadership.


Carey Prayer in the Chapel


Praying for the college, community, country and people. All welcome.


Art Week! 3-7 August

An opportunity to display your own creativity around the college and theme the usual activities around art.

Soccer Match! 7 August

Carey versus Laidlaw College

1:30pm at Laidlaw in Henderson

DIY Day! Tuesday 11 August

A bit of a spring clean around the college with everyone mucking in and rounded off with lunch!


Tēnā koutou! Maori Language week is a national event and at Carey we want to be a part of this. Around the college you’ll find some labels on different items that give the Māori word for it. Take the time to learn these words and use them. You’ll also find ‘Kia ora’ cards around the college that have various mihi (greetings) and sentences for everyday use. For those not on-site below are a few greetings and sentences you could try out. Also check out

Kei te pēhea koe? How are you?

Kei te pai I’m good

Ka nui te ora I’m great!

Tēnā koe Hello (to one person)

Tēnā kōrua Hello(to two people)

Mōrena Morning

Kia pai tō wiki mutunga Have a good weekend

Ko.........ahau My name is ......


Please do be aware of flu and bugs that you may have and if you are displaying symptoms please stay at home and do not come into college. Around college...

· regular and thorough handwashing is important

· Antibacterial handwash is available at reception, library and in bathrooms

· Use tissues and cover your mouth and nose if sneezing and coughing

Basic commonsense stuff really!

ART WEEK - 3-7 August 2009

An annual event when we can celebrate our own creativity.

Create a piece of art to display or bring in something you already have ... photography, painting, sculpture, etching, carving...there are plenty of options. Plus...a creative worship, a guest artist to talk about his work, some prizes, and an opportunity to visit the art galleries of One Tree Hill College—and lots of time to ooh and aah at the talent of others. So:

1) Please bring your creation to Rachel’s office with your name and any title of the work by Thursday 30 July.

2) If you are interested in a guided visit of the various art galleries at One Tree College, please put your name on the sheet on the dining room noticeboard. This will be at 3:30pm on Tuesday 4th August.


These are being finalised and if you are down to do a duty, a brief outline of the role will be put into your pigeon hole. Thank you for assisting us.

Please note that in some cases names have been assigned—particularly during class time, i.e. am/pm teas.



Tuesday 18 August; 8:45am-4:00pm

An opportunity to find out more about these two programmes plus spend time in a lecture, the pastoral theology class and communication corners.

If you’re interested please register with Karen on 5266590 or


My Worlds in Collision: The Gay Debate in New Zealand 1960-1986

This is on sale at reception for the bargain price of $5. Proceeds go to the Carey Students' Association. Laurie Guy


4-5 August 2009

The Life Church, 60 Rockfield Rd Penrose, Auckland

Speakers include: Mark Deymaz (Mosaic Church, Arkansas), author of Building Healthy Multi-ethnic Churches; David Boyd, Kiwi who pioneered the Jesus Family Centre in Sydney, author of You Don't Have to Cross the Ocean to Reach the World: The Power of Local Cross-cultural Ministry; John Yeo, pastor of an intentionally multicultural church in Melbourne.

Conference Costs

$130 per couple; $90 per single

Casual attendees: $15 per person half day

Registrations to


What’s new @ your library?

· Library blog Check the blog for new books, reviews and library notices.

· Library phobia? Book yourself for a free library instruction sessions. Maximum four at a time, two sessions and only ½ hour long.

Starting this week. Sessions are held Monday 1pm and on Thursday 11am.

Library week 10-16 August. We are running a number of competitions and events to celebrate Library week.

1. Book reviews: Write a short review of a library book or tell us why this book has been useful for your studies. Not more than 100 words.

2. Capture us: Photography competition. Take a photo of the library or its collection and write a caption of not more than 30 words.

Conditions: All staff and students at Carey Baptist College are eligible to enter (this includes distance students).it to will submit all entries in the blog. All entries must be received by Friday 14 August.

Unbelievable but true. Ever wonder what is inside the room? Come for an archive tour and you will be surprised.

10th 11am-11.30am and Wednesday 12th (in Mandarin) 12pm-12.30pm


Carey and Laidlaw Colleges partner to offer masters and doctoral programmes through LCGS. On Friday 31 July, Anne Aalbers, LCGS Registrar, will be onsite from 12:30pm-1:30pm. Any current or prospective postgraduate students, are invited to the chapel to talk with Anne, to raise issues or get information.Anne will also be here at other times later in the year. .


Friday 20 -Saturday 21 November

Friday 7pm—Saturday 5pm

Carey Baptist College

A conference sponsored by Alongsiders Trust and led by Mick Duncan—aimed at hearing the voices of some who work within our communities. See the sheet on the noticeboard for specifics on speakers.

For more information and to register


This week Eric from WEC International will be on-site. Take the opportunity to interact with him and find out more about the organisation and its work all over the world.


Keynote speaker: Dr Ben Witherington III

The emphasis will be on practical theology with a missional relevance. The aim of the symposium is to encourage theological thought especially related to our South Pacific context and the key issues of our day.
Thurs 30 July - Sat 1 August

East City Wesleyan Church Centre,

219 Burswood Dr, Burswood / Botany
Cost: $20

For further details see the flyer on the notice board or Peter Benzie.