CareyWeekly Newsletter 2024 S2 Week 4

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2024 S2 Week 4

Student Communication -


Here’s Emma on Mission Week:

Mission week is an opportunity for us to reflect together as a community on the myriad of ways we are called to participate in the Mission of God. This year we are delighted to be partnering again with Arotahi. During the week there will be “good story blurbs” dotted around Carey, where you can learn about how we tell stories about the way God is at work in the world and why it matters. Keep an eye out for them and make sure you visit them all.

We will also have something extra happening during Monday and Tuesday lunches. On Monday we will hear an update from former Carey student Levi Dyer who is currently serving in Brazil and on Tuesday we are joined by Annie Snook (Global Catalyst, Arotahi), who will be sharing about the how and why of ethical story telling. You don’t want to miss this!

During formation time at 10am on Tuesday morning, Mission Track and Raranga are teaming up to hear from special guest Karl Udy (Digital Strategies, Tandem Ministries), who will be speaking on using cross-cultural mission approaches to reaching the digital generations. All are welcome!


Need an extension?

If you are worried about getting your assessments done in time and would like to request an extension, please contact Neroli Hollis, and complete an Application for Extension form.

With assessments coming up, make sure to check into the 10 Essentials on CareyOnline. It’s an absolute gold mine, with details and examples on referencing, how to write and submit assigments, how to use SBL and tidy up your footnotes, and so much more! Use these docs—you’ll be glad you did!

Did you know about our peer writing support?

Another one of the support mechanisms we offer at Carey is a Peer Writing Assistants (PWA) programme. If you need some extra help with your writing or want an objective eye on tone, formatting, etc., we’ve got a person who can help you out!

Reach out to Moana, our Peer Writing Assistant, if you need some insight on your work.

Library workshop

Our Academic Writing workshop this past week was a massive success. It was so great, that the support team is putting on another one that is sure to level up your skills by giving you effective search strategies for finding scholarly information. By the end of the workshop, you will know how to get the best results for your research, and you can’t possibly think that’s not amazing!

When: Wednesday, 21 August from 12.30 to 1pm

Where: Te Whare Oranga and on Zoom

The Library and First Steps due 23 August

The First Steps deadline is 23 August. So, you’ve only got a couple weeks to complete that if you’re a new student.

You know the library is the place to go for pretty much anything you need while you’re at Carey. Whether you’re online or on-site, Mei Ling, Anna, and Siong can help you get your resources, answer questions, and be around for support as you study. Flick them an email, give them a call (09 526 0347), or stop by whenever you need them.

Library Hours

Monday to Thursday: 8.30am to 6.30pm
Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday: 10am to 12.30pm

Library tip: think ahead when reading!

When reading and notetaking for assignments always remember to write down the bibliographic details and page number of resources for any quotes or ideas you think might be useful when writing your assignment. If you don’t, then trying to find the information again later when you are doing your footnotes and bibliography can lead to a world of pain—think ahead!

Karakia this Tuesday

We’ve got a guest speaker, William HC, coming to share at karakia this week, with a special focus on mission. So be sure to come along if your near campus.

Karakia recordings for all our students

Check out the recordings for karakia if you’ve missed any or want to hear them again. We have all of them up so far!

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