CareyWeekly Newsletter 2024 S1 Week 15

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2024 S1 Week 15

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Hang in There

It’s the end of week 15 (already!?!?!), and lectures are wrapping up on Monday. Due dates for assessments are just around the corner too. Your diligent efforts this term at Carey are paying off. But this isn't the end, is it? We trust God has has molded, inspired, and refined you this semester. These concluding weeks are pivotal, so stay the course, and finish strong!

Semester two texbooks confirmed

Textbooks for semseter two 2024 have been confirmed and are listed on CareyOnline. Remember, Carey does not sell textbooks, so you will need to arrange purchase of these books on your own. See the list for full details.

Make-up Monday

Lectures are done for most courses—maybe that’s good news for you, maybe you want to go have a good cry. Either way, there are still lectures for those of you with Monday classes—that’s Humanity and Hope, Pentateuch, Understanding Culture, Learning to Live, and Exploring God’s Word.

Don’t forget to go to class Monday!!!

Student Support Options

We want you to know that supporting our students is our top priority. As a reminder, here are some recent changes and additions to our Student Support Team.

Denise Tims and Jarrahmal Tanielu join the team in the roles of Student Support Advisors. Denise will have a primary responsibility for connecting with and supporting Māori students. Jarrahmal will have primary responsibility for supporting our Pasifika students. Both of them will also provide wider support for all students in partnership with our wonderful library support team: Siong, Mei Ling, and Anna. We are delighted to have Denise and Jarrahmal formally joining our student support team and spearheading our MPI student support.

Jacqui Fisher will also be supporting our CareyLocal students. Denise, Jarrahmal, and Jacqui all have prior experience in academic and pastoral support roles. Laurie Guy continues to support students, with a particular focus on ESOL support. And don’t forget our Peer Writing Assistants!

As usual, you can talk to any of our team, and they will ensure you are connected with the best person to help you in your studies.

Psalms Conference

There are still some student-rate tickets for the Psalms conference! Come along to our Psalms Conference, a three-day participatory event in July, and explore how the Bible’s songbook and prayerbook can inspire Christian worship and shape God’s people here in Aotearoa.

There is also a one-day access ticket if you can’t make the whole conference. Get your tickets today!

First Steps Resources

With assessments looming, you’ll no doubt be referencing A LOT! So, why not make use of all the First Steps videos to get your referencing in tip top shape.

No community lunch or karakia till next term

It’s ok to be sad about this, but Tuesday was our last karakia of the term AND our last community lunch until semester two.

There IS, however, Coffee Cake and Convo on Monday in the wharekai at 12.15, so don’t miss that if you are on-site.

Karakia recordings

We are still working on getting all the semester one karakia recordings up. So, check them out if you feel sad about the break.

The Library

It may not look busy from the picture, but the Library is about to be THE place to be on campus with end of the semester assessments ramping up. And if you are studying from a distance, you will probably find the resources and staff more necessary than ever too.

Oh, and there’s a rumour going around that there may be chocolates in there…

If you need anything, Mei Ling, Anna, and Siong are available to help!

Library hours:
Monday to Thursday 8.30am-6.30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12.30pm

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