
GMIM - 6 April 2009

GMIM - 6 April 2009

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George Wieland writes:

A lot of church services were noisier than usual yesterday. All manner of greenery was waved, “Hosannas” in numerous forms were sung and shouted, and donkeys of various shapes and levels of authenticity trotted (or lumbered) around church buildings, with small versions of Jesus clinging on precariously. Palm Sunday!

During this week, this “Holy Week” as we anticipate the events of Good Friday and Easter Sunday, let the noise of Palm Sunday linger. The cheering, the joy, the celebration, the sheer fun of it. Yes, Jesus is to be welcomed, God is to be praised, because He did come, He did walk the journey to Jerusalem and all that would happen to Him there, He did manifest the realities of His kingdom, He did gather followers of all sorts into that new community defined by its relationship to Him and its purpose as participants in His mission of salvation, redemption and restoration. This week, take some time to add your voice to the voices that greet Jesus the King.

But there were other sounds on Palm Sunday. Let them linger as well. The sound of resistance: “Teacher, order your disciples to stop!” Indignation to see such an audacious claim to be Israel’s king acted out, and fury that the ignorant crowd should be giving such a welcome to this troublesome prophet who challenged their role and status and their way of living with their religion. This week, take some time to listen for those voices – not from others, but from within yourself. As you study, learn, glimpse and understand more of Jesus and His Kingdom, see what He really wants, and hear the radical challenges He gives to those who claim to follow Him, does it meet resistance from pride, fear, selfishness, even laziness? Who do you really want to be your king?

And there’s another sound of Palm Sunday, the sound of sorrow. It’s Jesus, reaching the brow of the hill, seeing the city stretch out in front of Him, bustling with people, busy with its life, many even rushing about with religious preparations, and Jesus weeps: “If you, even you, had only recognised on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes.” Let that sound linger. And this week, take some time to listen for the heart of Jesus for our cities, communities, nations, to open your heart to the love that grieves and goes to give and forgive and redeem; and perhaps to love and weep and go with Him to share in what He is doing to bring to fulfilment what that first Easter has made possible.


Community Worship 11:15am-12pm

Laura GiddeyStudent Convenor 2009

Easter Communion


Andrew Baldwin and Julia Vincent

After Dinner Mints @ lunch

Neil Perry: Neil began his role as the Associate Director of tranzsend in late 2008. Neil has pastored in Baptist churches for about 15 years (Wanganui, Whakatane, Waimarino) and has had two stints overseas with tranzsend/NZBMS - in Papua New Guinea and in Thailand.


Carey Prayer in the Chapel


Praying for the college, community, country and people. All welcome!


Easter Camps!

10-13 April

A number of Carey staff will be speaking and doing seminars at camps all over New Zealand. Plus there are a large number of students involved in either leading the camps or taking youth groups—keep them in your prayers as they prepare.


A big ‘thank-you’ to the entire Carey community. It has been a privilege to serve among you over these 11+ years. Keeping in touch is not going to be straightforward – but Barby and I plan to write regular letters to people who are interested in what we are doing. If this includes you, please send an email to my daughter Bethany and she will add you to our database (

Also – please consider yourself invited to our Commissioning Service on Sunday 19th April @7pm at Mt Roskill Baptist Church (Richardson Rd).” Paul


This week is the last before a three week mid semester break. Classes will reconvene on Monday 4 May (however there will be a Chinese Programme block course and a Laidlaw-Carey Graduate School block course on site during this break time).

The library will be open with usual hours.


A forum exploring the possibilities for biblical preaching in NZ.

If you are committed to the future of biblical preaching in NZ, then this smorgasbord of questions provoked by experienced and emerging preaching from within this Kiwi context is for you.

There will be many contributors from a range of organisations and churches from all over NZ, including special guest: Jonathan Lamb (Director, Langham Preaching)

When: Saturday 18 April

Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Carey Baptist College

Cost: (By April 15): $60 waged and $30 unwaged

Contact: For registrations contact Alyssa Windsor (

Brought to you by Langham Partnership (NZ)


If you have been assigned or have signed up to a duty for this semester, please do continue to remember to do these...we appreciate it and it makes a big difference if everyone is on track. Thanks


Each week alternate Mondays and Wednesdays from 10.45am-11.45am, the coffee machine in the dining room will be brewing up a storm. So take a break from the study and join other students or grab a coffee during the lecture break.

Once you have used your coupon received a couple of weeks ago, a fresh cup of coffee is just $2!What a bargain for deliciousness.


We say farewell at the end of this week to Lesley Utting, our library manager after 14 years of quality service at Carey. Very many thanks Lesley.

We will be welcoming a new library manager, Siong Ng, on 4 May. Siong, originally from Malaysia, but from the 1990s hailing from Australia and then New Zealand, will bring a lot of fresh leadership and initiative to the library.

Because of the small gap between the going and the coming we will not be keeping the library open for late hours on the Mondays in April after Easter.

The Bob Dylan Experience

Featuring Derek Lind, Dave White, A.J. Bell, Brett Wilson, Bruce Parker, & Tim Trenwith

“Two decades ago the world’s greatest rock poet stunned his admirers by crafting a heartfelt trio of gospel albums dedicated to God. Under-rated at the time, the songs have since gone on to become true classics inspiring the spiritual paths of people around the world.

In New Zealand, a few of these musical disciples from the mighty Waikato and Auckland’s sprawling isthmus have gathered together to breathe life into

Bob Dylan’s gospel legacy and feed the starving musical conscience of the Now generation.

Yes folks, ‘The Bob Dylan Experience’ or ‘Hendrix meets Bob’ is a one-off opportunity to hear the real oil from those in the spiritual rock’n roll know. Come and be filled. You can’t buy this stuff on TradeMe!”

Saturday 2 May

Eden Community Church

73 View Rd, Mt Eden


$20 at the door or $17.50 presale

Email: or phone: 021 996 759


A short course in Human Relations

The six most important words: “I admit I made a mistake.”

The five most important words: “You did a good job.”

The four most important words: “What is your opinion?”

The three most important words: “If you please.”

The two most important words: “ Thank you.”

The one most important word: “We.”

The one least important word: “I.”


Each year we hold a number of open days. This is an opportunity for people to come and be a part of what is happening around Carey, sit in on a lecture, meet staff and students, ask any questions they have and generally get a feel for what study and this community is like.

The first Open Tuesday for this year will be held on 19 May from 8:45am-4:00pm.

If you know of people who are contemplating study either in the second semester of in 2010, please feel free to encourage them to come to this day.

Contact Neroli to register or 0800 773 776