
CareyWeekly Newsletter 2023 S2 Week 3

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2023 S2 Week 3

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Are you Comfortable?

It's the end of week three, and hopefully you're settling in to the rhythms of studying, learning, and growing in your classes. If this is new for you, we get that it can be a bit daunting. But, there are heaps of resources at your disposal that can help you make the most of your studies. Keep reading to learn about workshops, library resources, and more that can help you excel.

As always, feel free to reach out to any of us on staff. We're here for you!

First Steps video resources on CareyOnline

Also, we are excited to let you know that we have made several of our First Steps resource videos available to all students. So, if you are a CareyLocal student or no longer a part of a First Steps course, you can check out our helpful tutorials on how to use the library, search or e-books and journals, reference, and more! Check out the First Steps videos!

Academic Committee Student Reps

These three wonderful students (left-to-right in the photo above: Herman Yeung, Katie Cuttriss, and Judith Thomas) are your Student Academic Representatives on Academic Committee. The committee meets once every four to six weeks during the year. The student reps are there to represent you and participate in the discussions, evaluation, and monitoring of all academic processes and policies here at Carey.

They are invited to table any issues, present feedback, and be the student voice on the committee. If you have any feedback or ideas about how to make studying at Carey even better than it is, feel free to email Herman, Katie, and Judith or chat to them if you see them around.


If you are worried about getting your assessments done in time and would like to request an extension, please contact Neroli Hollis, and complete an Application for Extension form.

Need some support for your assessments? 

Tanya and Eugene (our amazing student support Learning Advisers) are hosting workshops where they'll walk through some tips that will help you with your assessments--referencing, 10 Essentials, formatting, using the library, etc. You won't want to miss them! 

Intro to New Testament (Carey Local only via Zoom)
Thursday 10th August at 7:30pm 
Thursday 14th September at 7:30pm 
Thursday 26th October at 7:30pm 

Mission of God (Carey Local only via Zoom)
Tuesday 12th September at 7:30pm 
Tuesday 24th Octoboer at 7:30pm 

Zoom link for all the CareyLocal workshops:

Intro to Old Testament
Thurs 07th September dinner & workshop @ 6pm-8pm
(an invite will be sent out for this one for catering purposes)

Join the Workshops via Zoom

Mission Week

Next week is Mission Week, an opportunity for us to reflect together as a community on the myriad of ways we are called to participate in the Mission of God. During the week there will be "story spots" dotted around Carey where you can learn about (and be inspired by) some of our past and current Arotahi people who are engaged in mission.

We will also have guests coming in during Monday and Tuesday lunches. On Monday we will be joined by Jay Matenga (Mission Interlink, WEA Global Witness), and on Tuesday, our very own team from upstairs at Arotahi. These will be great conversations.

Library Resources

Need some help accessing electronic resources? In order to access e-books and other resources, you need an OpenAthens login. If you have not activated your account, please do so by following the instructions in the email you should have received. If you need help or have any questions, contact the wonderful Library staff.

As a reminder, all new students (except CareyLocal) are required to complete the First Steps course on CareyOnline. The deadline for completion is Friday, 18 August.


Mission Week Flag Competition

In light of Mission Week, the library is putting on a flag competition. Can you identify all five? Submit your answers by Thursday, 10 August. Give it a go, and put your vexillology skills on display.

Submit Your Anwers

Community Lunches

Come along to community lunch on-site Mondays at 12.15pm and Tuesdays right after karakia at noon. If you haven't done so, please let us know any dietary requirements you have by filling out this very brief form.

Please note the roster below for preparation/serving and clean up duties. Next week is an EVEN week.





Prep and Serving (12pm) 

Thinking Theologically 


Clean Up 

Mission of God 

Spirit and Trinity 





Prep and Serving (11:45am) 



Clean Up 

Old Testament 


Weekly Karakia

All students are welcome to come on-site for karakia, but you can easily join us via Zoom (Meeting ID: 962 7072 5701), where we will be continuing our theme, "Hear the Word of the Lord," with Emma Stokes sharing with us this Tuesday, 8 August.

For karakia, please bring an item that is culturally and/or ethnically significant to you. This could be an ornament, flag, toy, book, instrument, or any item which can be used within a temporary art installation.