CareyWeekly Newsletter 2023 S1 Week 2

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2023 S1 Week 2

Student Communication -

Hard at work

We're all getting in our groove now as the semester ramps up and we settle in to the ebbs and flows of study and community life at Carey. It can be difficult to hear from the Lord when things get busy, so take some time to listen--you may hear something where you weren't expecting it.

Support and Wellbeing

You're likely well aware that we work hard to support our students at Carey, but perhaps you weren't aware that we have a section of our website that highlights support and wellbeing for our students. There are a number of resources we recommend for mental health, community and public services, how we handle student complaints, and much more. So, take a look.

You'll also find information The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice, a set of roles and responsibilities NZQA have created for schools like Carey. We're actively engaged in adhering to those policies and caring for you as you study here. 

Want to be a Peer Writing Assistant?

One of the support mechanisms we offer at Carey is a Peer Writing Assistants (PWAs) programme. If you are a second of third year student with strong academic writing, and a love for supporting other students, then being a PWA may be for you!

We are looking for three or four students to upskill in peer writing support. If you are interested in finding out more please email Rob Ayres (Academic Director).

Assignment Help on CareyOnline

Did you know that along with the 10 Essentials on CareyOnline, there are sample assignments? Did you also know that you can increase your chances for better marks if you follow these examples?

If you've ever wondered how to write a stellar introduction, for example, there are tools that not only provide an example, but give you critical tips to make the most of each word. Check these tools out to help maximise your writing this semester.

Carey Fun Day on Tuesday

There will be no weekly karakia this week. Instead, your SASS president, Torin Bradley (*pause for applause*) has a message for those of you who will be on-site:

Hey everyone, over the next few days as we gear up for Fun Day, get prepared for some competition, some mental challenges, and hopefully some fun too. Make sure you meet at 11.05 in the wharekai so that we can kick off at 11.15 and get the ball rolling. Can't wait to see you there--it's gonna be awesome!

Community Lunches

Come along for meaningful connection and whakawhanaungatanga for on-site students and staff during our weekly community lunches on Mondays at 12.15pm and Tuesdays just after karakia at 12pm.

Also, please stick around to help tidy up!

General Formation Tuesdays 10-11am

All students are welcome to attend general formation on Tuesday mornings throughout the semester with Nicola. If you're on-site, pop into the Library Commons Room, and if you are regional, feel free to join via Zoom (Meeting ID: 971 1733 5757).

Library Happenings

If you're a new student and haven't yet, please complete the First Steps course on CareyOnline. This is a massively helpful online orientation course, and it is REQUIRED.

A reminder that the semester hours are as follows:

Monday to Thursday 8.30am-6.30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 10am-12.30pm

Call Number Code-Breaking Competition

The Library are running a competition for who can decipher the call number code. Take a crack, and see how you go! One winner will be randomly selected and announced next Friday, 17 March. The competition closes Thursday, 16 March. The prize can also be mailed to any distance student who may be selected, so this is for everyone!

See if you can break the code!